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jworg preaching worldwide photographs


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hello everyone,

I want to make a "collection" of all those photos that appear radomly on the official page,
although our internet friend david has made a wonderful collection on his web.8080.page.
[thank you david]


Chachapoyas, Peru—
Talking about God’s Kingdom with Spanish-speaking farmers




Matobo District, Zimbabwe—
Witnessing from house to house




Vienna, Austria—
Offering Bible-based publications in Maria-Theresien-Platz




Seoul, South Korea—
Engaging in metropolitan witnessing




Lavaux region, Switzerland—Lavaux region, Switzerland—.jpg

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hello everyone, I want to make a "collection" of all those photos that appear radomly on the official page, although our internet friend david has made a wonderful collection on his web.8080.pa

Kamaishi, Japan—Jehovah’s Witnesses talk to disaster survivors living in temporary residences after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami  

Kunene region, Namibia— Witnessing to the Himba people using the brochure Listen to God and Live Forever in the Herero language         Waitemata Harbour, Auc

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Oqaatsut, Greenland—.jpg

Oqaatsut, Greenland—Talking about the Bible with a local family



Stellenbosch, South Africa—.jpg


Stellenbosch, South Africa—Preaching to a grape grower in a vineyard outside Cape Town





Dili, Timor-Leste—Offering the book What Does the Bible Really Teach?







Inviting people to the Lord’s Evening Meal in Albania 

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Kunene region, Namibia​—.jpg

Kunene region, Namibia—

Witnessing to the Himba people using the brochure Listen to God and Live Forever in the Herero language




Waitemata Harbour, Auckland, New Zealand​—.jpg

Waitemata Harbour, Auckland, New Zealand—

Informally sharing the Bible’s message with a fisherman




Rovinj, Croatia​—.jpg

Rovinj, Croatia—

Studying the Bible using the study aid What Does the Bible Really Teach?








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