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What concept/concepts is behind the term "inspired"?

Srecko Sostar

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@Space Merchant  I cannot understand your logic, so please explain to me you thinking.

Are you saying that there are many different types of Christian churches / religions / groups, that are serving God properly ? 

Are you saying that a person does not need to belong to one type of Christian group ?

You seem to find some good things in many different religions. So do you think that God or Christ works through many different Christian groups / religions ? 

Do you also think that God or Christ will give spiritual guidance to a person that is not part of a religious group ?

Do you think that if a person prays to God for spiritual guidance to gain understanding from the Bible, that God through Christ will give that person a better understanding of His written word ? 

Or do you feel that a person must be part of a particular religious group ? 

It would be nice to know your thought on these things.

Thank you, John


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21 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:
26 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

As "Winsider complains of me not citing the source, how about you do the same. He won't criticize opposer's since he believes they deserve every opportunity to get their licks in when attacking the Watchtower. Especially in areas that he seems to support.

However, that double standard doesn't fly with me, so post your sources accordingly. 😉


I don't care for your problems with   @JW Insider   

About Source, mark the text and with right mouse click Search Google for ....and you will find source. :)) 


“We Want to Go With You”

The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom (Simplified)—2016 January

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3 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Try to read the entire article

Rank and file, ordinary people, Am Haarets reading Bible and Clergy say: We shall explain you what you reading and how you should to understand.

I am reading WT article and you say: Let GB and me explain how you should to understand. :))))

Ohhhh man! :)))

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BTK:  "As far as the anointed, it’s true, it’s nobody’s business who is anointed or not. God will make his final decision when the time comes. On earth, there is only hope."

"Now one thing you can signal out, is the behavior and action of someone calling themselves anointed. For those obvious reasons, those people are only fooling themselves."


He just couldn't help making it his business.   Very God-like.  Isa 40:25




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21 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

and I hope you pick wisely, 

Well, I think he already has picked, long before he came here, and from our point of view, it is not wise. 

It is one thing that I appreciate about Billy Flamethrower, even if I think he is doing nearly everything else all wrong—he does appreciate when choices have been made and he no longer entreats those who have made them.

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7 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Well, I think he already has picked, long before he came here, and from our point of view, it is not wise. 

It is one thing that I appreciate about Billy Flamethrower, even if I think he is doing nearly everything else all wrong—he does appreciate when choices have been made and he no longer entreats those who have made them.

Tom Well, I think he already has picked, long before he came here, and from our point of view, it is not wise. 

You do make life complicated when you don't mention who you are talking about. 

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As far as the anointed, it’s true, it’s nobody’s business who is anointed or not.   This is BtK opinion.

For my part I would need to know that the leaders of God's servants here on earth were Anointed and inspired of God's Holy Spirit.  It makes sense to me that the leaders need to be both. I do not care in the least if everyone of you on here disagree with me. Who knows, that could make me even more right :)...  

As 'Judgement day' is still a long way off yet, God has plenty of time to show the true Anointed and to prove they are inspired. 

He did it with early Christians. Why would He not do it now ?  And I'm still happy with my view of 'ten men clinging to the hem of a Jew'. God, through Christ, will guide willing ones to the true Jew, the true Anointed. But He will do it when He is ready, not before.  

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17 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

As 'Judgement day' is still a long way off yet, God has plenty of time to show the true Anointed and to prove they are inspired. 

How do you know that ‘Judgement day’ is still a long way off yet?

Didn’t you just base that on your previous assessment that God has not yet produced a true Anointed? It does not sound like much to hang one’s hat on.

25 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

You do make life complicated when you don't mention who you are talking about. 

It wasn’t you.

6 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

If you consider that person your brother, more power to you, I don't and unless he repents, never will! 😏

I don’t. You, too, have read it wrong. I guess John has a point. it is well to identify who you are talking about and not just leave that identification to the thread. Even those who you think are paying rapt attention are just waiting for the other blowhard to stop talking so that they can make their own speech.

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@TrueTomHarley As for identifying of whom you speak, it does make life easier. To keep going back pages to reread comments to get the jist of it all becomes boring and time consuming. 

How do you know that ‘Judgement day’ is still a long way off yet?

There is not a clean identifiable Organisation here on this Earth for people to associate with.

Tom, I can sort of understand that you defend the Watchtower/GB/ JW Org, but at this point in time it is not 'clean', either truthfully inside, or in the eyes of outsiders.

It needs to be clean in the eyes of outsiders if it wishes to attract those outsiders.  I suppose you could argue that God would guide people in anyway, but would He guide people into an Org that is not (at present time) fit for purpose ? 

The JW Org does not stand out as being God's chosen Org, nor does the GB stand out as being God's chosen anointed to guide it. Many inside the JW Org are critical of the GB and its rules. Many outside the JW Org earthwide are aware of the problems within the Org. Things like the Blood Issue have now become ridiculous with all the 'little bits' that JW's can use. And things like the 'This Generation' situation have now become known outside the Org and are a bit of a laughing stock. Then you get those rather stupid videos about sexual matters, well it makes the Org look like a clown show to outsiders. 

Remember Luke 17 v 1&2. 'It is unavoidable that causes for stumbling should come. Never the less woe to the one through whom they come' 

The JW Org has now become a cause for stumbling. 

I agree with you about the Bible Students / Witnesses identifying many important points and standing up for those points. For instance, how wrong the trinity is,  and that we do not have a soul that 'floats' off to heaven, and other important issues. But those things have been long established now and now the GB are messing with people's heads. 

What is that scripture ?  'The Holy Spirit and we ourselves  favour adding no further burden to you .......... '

So where is that ONE organisation that God can use RIGHT NOW ?  Because the GB has taken the JW Org out of the running. 

Hence it would take time to rebuild the JW Org / Wt, or to create a new Org. But there is still time. The Earth is not yet on destruction time. Yes things are bad but probably a lot of hype too.  God himself knows exactly when to act, when to have people here on Earth ready. I do not think God will bring the judgement whilst there is no clear visible 'Jew' for people  to 'cling to'  


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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I don’t. You, too, have read it wrong. I guess John has a point

Alright, alright, already—it was Srecko I was speaking of.

It does play into another bit of speechmaking for me. I don’t think it is proper to entreat ones who have so firmly put himself into the opposite camp after having weighed all the evidence. I don’t do it.

When I address any of these characters, it is not to sway them—I don’t think that I have seen a single person here alter their position since I came across this site long ago, so what sort of a self-pugilist would pour their time into that futile effort?

When I address these characters it is to speak to whoever might lie beyond—and that may be nobody. It is also the case that whatever is hammered out eventually appears in some other form where it may do some good.

The fat lady has not yet sung, so who can say where anyone will be when she does? Still, I don’t entreat them to come back on the side of the angels. They have decisively shown where they want to be. Perhaps some day they will no longer want to be there, but if so, it will not be because of my invitation. They have rejected that invitation decisively after having once accepted it and I think it is wrong therefore to keep extending it. Essentially, they have tasted and pronounced Jehovah bad. Beyond saying ‘check your tastebuds,’ there is little response to be made.

These are persons—many of them—who conducted themselves so outrageously and unremorsefully in word or deed that they were put out of the congregation, and as such, I keep my distance spiritually. And now they will come online and engage me in earnest spiritual conversation? It’s not happening on my watch.

it is sort of a fine line—the distinctions between engaging, responding, conversing, answering, and fraternizing. Billy (the bad cop) sees no distinction at all between them and simply practices roasting and toasting. I am not so sure that he is wrong—though I am sure enough about it not to do it myself. It’s mostly the horrible PR that he leaves in his wake that is objectionable. To the extent people think he is a Witness, he paints them as the most intolerant, rigid, and anger-prone people on the planet.

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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It is sort of a fine line—the distinctions between engaging, responding, conversing, answering, and fraternizing. Billy (the bad cop) sees no distinction at all between them and simply practices roasting and toasting. I am not so sure that he is wrong—though I am sure enough about it not to do it myself. It’s mostly the horrible PR that he leaves in his wake that is objectionable. To the extent people think he is a Witness, he paints them as the most intolerant, rigid, and anger-prone people on the planet. 

" To the extent people think he is a Witness, he paints them as the most intolerant, rigid, and anger-prone people on the planet. " - TTH

That is an incredibly IMPORTANT observation, that I also have considered at great length, as I have seen that many times in the secular world, and occasionally in the Truth.

That is why I personally think it is VERY important that BillyTheKid46 come out of the closet, and declare whether or not his opinions are that of a Jehovah's Witness, and even whether or not he is a Watchtower Lawyer  ... specifically, himself. He is trying to sit on the fence, hide behind his fake avatar, and fake persona.

I have often (every time he starts typing ..) thought that he is a bitter enemy of Jehovah's Witnesses, and an excellent psychologist, and deliberately portrays himself as a petulant, angry, demented, slow and  truly nasty person (when he may in actual fact be NONE of those things ...), in order to with reverse psychology make Jehovah's Witnesses look like all those things ... so that others are deliberately CHASED AWAY from any idea that they might want to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

That's why I started my series of "Weasel" cartoons, to try and "force the issue", of having Billy declare who he REALLY is, behind his anonymous false front .... that he deliberately keeps as a false front to deceive, and mislead.

I hope Billy clarifies this issue, and I would be heavily inclined to accept his clarification at face value, as stated.

Years ago, I told a Brother who had come to visit me, that he might want to consider not doing so, as I was not a very good example of a Jehovah's Witness, officially, and hanging around me might get him in serious trouble with the Elders.

.. I seem to have lost my train of thought ... but there is a lesson in there somewhere ....

Fortunately, I have a stockpile of cartoons to get refocused on ....



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