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Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions

Srecko Sostar

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On 10/19/2021 at 6:41 AM, Space Merchant said:

Apparently some JW places of worship may open up very soon.

Yes, I've caught wind this as well. They're calling it a pilot something or another for about two, maybe three months.

For the most part, we can assume that children say under what I believe to be 12 years old, won't be attending these meetings because they have not been vaccinated for Covid-19. Being vaccinated is part of the requirements as far as showing up at these Kingdom Hall meetings. So unless the age limit changes to a lower age for receiving C-19 vaccinations, we can pretty much assume those 12 and under will not be in attendance at these Kingdom Hall's.

So although I have concern about the members returning to the Kingdom Hall's for their meetings, something's just not right about this whole thing. I my share my concerns later. But I agree with you Space Merchant on becoming more educated on CSA. Especially on how this organization has set things up on how to handle CSA case's. Unfortunately it is because of lack of Education on CSA that the Elders will remain absolutely ignorant regarding how the leadership of the Org is going to keep having them do their dirty work for them all the while intending for the elders to take the fall as they keep getting thrown under the bus by the leadership of the organization. The leadership will then claim that they had nothing to do with how the elders own conscience had lead him to take care of their own congregation reports of alleged CSA case's. Much like in the Montana CSA case where when the perpetrator admitted guilt when questioned by the elders, changed his mind and skipped town down to Mexico.

In the Utah case where an elder decided to display his own infinite wisdom by taking it upon himself to make an alleged victim who was 14 at the time of her alleged rape, listen to an audio recording, that the alleged rapist, who was 18 at the time that he had allegedly raped her, had made. This audio recording with which he had recorded without her consent nor her knowledge, of her very own alleged rape was handed over to the elder so as to confirm his innocence. This way the elders could listen to it and determine whether she was a consensual partner as the 18 year old had claimed or not. She nor her parents were made aware that this audio recording even existed until after this judicial meeting had started. Five hour's, I repeat, FIVE HOUR'S of her having to listen to this audio recording as the Elder would repeatedly stop and ask her questions such as, "describe what was going on here?" She begged him to stop making her listen to it and to answer to him. Everyone in this judicial meeting could see how she was visibly shaking and crying while being made to re-live this alleged rape that she had originally reported to the elders. Her parents were informed either before or during the beginning of this judicial meeting, that they were not to interrupt this meeting under any circumstances otherwise the consequence would be their daughter's disfellowshipping. As I recall, I believe the parents were threatened with the consequence of disfellowshipping as well their daughter, so all three of them were in fact being horribly traumatized. Yet Mr. Infinite Wisdom Elder would start up the recording, play it for a bit more and then stop the recording to make more inquiries of her. Yes, she continue to beg the elder to stop through her tears.

Actuality, aside from a few cases like these two above case's, the elders do exactly as they are instructed to do by the leadership. They make that phone call to headquarters for them to receive their legal advice. Which they ( the elders ) are basically there to stall the rank and file members from ever opening up any CSA case's with the secular Authorities. So when elders tell alleged victims of CSA that they have every right to tell the police, these elders have no intention to cooperate with the police when asked to. The elders will also add that by starting a case with the secular Authorities, it will only drag Jehovah's name through the mud. This statement alone is often a  successful deterrent on the part of the elders to avoid the rank-and-file members from filing any charges with the secular authorities.

In my opinion, all of this "dragging Jehovah's name through the mud" is a sorry explanation of an excuse used for the reason of stalling their members to not go to the secular authorities. But it works, so they'll continue to use it.

How about Jehovah take some responsibility for his own reputation rather than making it the rank-and-file members responsibility. This is truly an unfair and uncalled for burden to put on alleged victims of CSA as well their families, 

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Yes, we have discussed this on the forum before. I think this issue is taken to be viewed from the secular perspective only. They, the secular authorities, designate JW elders as having a clerical rol

Laws and regulations about issue is available to see and you said well. Of course, when we speak about JW elders then it is notable to understand how we have to put clear picture on question; Do

So, we could say that it is a matter of decision, In this case by JW elders, how much they want to be principled. The three Jews from the book of Daniel were so principled that they were thrown into t

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@ApostaBabe Linda James Yes, and outside of religious institutions, children of the ages 5-11 are being targeted as we speak in this vaccination push. This will evidently make the division even greater among the people in the face of mandates and will result in a bigger number of revolting parents/guardians. However, that will not stop those who are the latter to the pedophilia disorder, granted, there is more of them around even on media. Other than that, there is a possibly of Gang Stalkers as well, although nothing to do with children, these people are out with the goal of fishing people out of schools and churches.

Yes, they'll need education, however, what I notice is the some people, even some JWs, who adhere to said education are usually the ones who, well the majority, bounded by culture, i.e. in 2020 JWs, well rooted in their culture, majority islanders who now reside in America, stopped an abusive father from taking his kids from his divorced wife who is a current JW, prevented him from entering the JW church even, elsewhere, you have Swahili JWs, and the Arab in the UK I mentioned, however on the other side of the spectrum, you have those who are more intertwined with a cultural ideology that does not hold values on top of the list, evidently setting them up to Bystander Syndrome, something of which effects majority of people around the world, even those in law. The fact of the matter is, there are those well rooted in said culture who are more aware on seeing red flags, even stopping abuse before it takes place - JWs being in this same boat with all imperfect men.

You are in the right to be concerned, but with the events taking place, anyone resuming paused activities will have to face what is coming in the era of COVID-19 and the imminent Reset.

Yes leadership is one thing, however said education needs to be applied. For someone of authority can tell the people to avoid doing bad things, but it will not be applied by everyone, if anything, only a few, and it will 100% be ignored by those with bad intent. This is one of the reasons we to why many, even myself, are getting censored due to the Loudon County situation related to child on child abuse, the Trans community, which evidently now has another comedian on the chop block. On top of that, education in this regard is now critical due to more who seek to commit to harm to people, even children has increased, there are Opportunists out there.

True, for most who commit a crime, even admit it, will attempt to evade justice, not only education is to be applied, but you have to be swift; something of which most in the United States are not too keen about, mainly due to how much politics effects even that of the justice system, granted, the Left vs Right paradigm escalated from 2011 to present day. Abuse in Montana is moderately high, mainly from 2014 and onward, problematic this year because abusers do not often target schools and churches because most are closed down. In addition to that the justice system in Montana concerning child abuse is a mess, therefore, those in law are being investigated on by lawmakers on how they themselves handle the cases of child abuse from institutions and or other. As for the guy who apparently went to Mexico, it would not be a surprise if he was enticed by those who are somewhat connected to coyotes, of which, often use children to a means to an end; for they are a cog in the machine of increased abuse.

As for Utah, that is a combination of Bystander Syndrome and not being educated on CSA, for some will assume they are doing what is right when it comes to Internal Church Investigations, however, the Elder here, fail to see the problems they themselves raise, in some cases, aiding the wrong person unknowingly, and it is factual the abuser here, a Gang Stalker, was able to exploit both the Elder and the Victim. The audio recording, in some states, are considered legal sadly, even in regards to the justice system, however, it seems uncanny for the Elder in this JW church to equate it to a religious practice, for it that was the case, everyone else would have applied this, more so, recordings of that nature, of someone being raped, is not normal for Internal Investigations. Said recording, the Gang Stalker who abused the girl spun his own narrative which pins the Elder against the girl here, granted, Gang Stalkers are, compared to the average child abuser, are more intelligent when it comes to their goals. In addition to that, the abuser here can be identified as a Gang Stalker, hence Anna's Testimony, and like majority of abusers, the fact he got to the Elder first, no doubt he was able to manipulate said Elder who was evidently against Anna. Gang Stalkers with ill intent will try to get to someone of authority before a victim, even family members, and granted this was a rape, it most likely told the Elder she consented, which clearly we know that this is a lie. More so, there is a strange practice in the States, even in the UK, and elsewhere to record audio or videos of sexual relations, be it with or without consent, in other words, pornography as well as revenge porn, which is the recording of and or pictures of sexual relations to be used against someone, there is even an Underground Community, related to this, and in my case, I lost someone to this because of the Adult Industry. That said, stuff like this is problematic, mainly due to recent events.

Would depend on the elder and or JW, some JWs, even elders, are quite vocal about CSA and what can be done outside of receiving some instruction from religious leaders of their faith. Not too long ago a JW teen brought up his JW church and what they have been doing, granted, their community is vs that of American JWs in Utah and Montana, culturally stick strongly to values and are not easily hit with Bystander Syndrome and all things pertaining to it. The irony here is the current JWs and or Elders who also profess this elsewhere, are often removed by former members of their faith, i.e. the situation in 2017, which to this day that bit of history was re-written. The Arab JW I quoted speaks about CSA too, and he is lucky to even speak because of what nearly happened to him in 2016, and there are more. These are, apparently, the only subnet of JWs who some can actually speak to about CSA and even come to a neutral grounded setting to speak of the matter.

On the other side of the spectrum, what most people do not realize is that they can indirectly help abusers go to these institutions, even JW churches. We already know of what the media and the law is doing, however, to go online and weaponize abuse, and making jokes that it is a paradise results in enticement of abusers, likewise with the ExJW community, of which some of us Truthers found abusers in that community too, so everyone needs to be more aware and careful.

Then you have Law, which works differently in various states, for a law in NYC could be different from that in NC outside of the basic laws known. In the case of CSA, it is handled differently in each state, in some areas, a victim is forced to be the mate of their abuser, which in turn, caused an uproar. 20 countries in which a child, raped or not, mainly girls, are forced to marry their abuser, and we can see someone with ill intent can and will exploit this whereas in other countries it is not lawful. The Justice System is also broken in regards to CSA as well, hence Montana. It is also reasons why events of CSA, even among JWs, usually happened in specific states whereas CSA is problematic. Although race is also involved in this, to the dismay of John Butler (Patiently waiting for Truth), it is legitimately true, concerning information from the FBI, who they themselves are not immune to CSA. Laws are not always helpful in some degree, so it is wise for people to adhere to the education necessary to better protect the children, some people are equipped, even some JWs, but not everyone, and those who are better equipped, culturally, are like that of a fortress that guards children, perhaps people, mainly Americans and Brits, can learn from this to see how they can minizine abuse.

Somewhat true, however, some people uphold God and they do not want to drag God's name in the mud. However, at the same time, this is of little importance to those with ill intent, this even goes for those in secular authorities who are in this same boat when they themselves are not immune to CSA, everyone, even the police are not safe, therefore, they need to be better equipped. The irony in this is when it comes to the Left vs Right, the Left would say this about faith groups, even JWs however, their counterparts say otherwise because their focus is on the causer of the problem, hence the mass censoring taking place now related to CSA.

The God of you, me, the JWs and everyone else will take action soon. Granted Child Sex abuse or violence against children stems from imperfections of sin that is upon man. All that can be done is to minizine abuse as much as we can, for we can prevent, however, we cannot save all unless more people play their part. There needs to be a conversation about abuse too for no one truly is seeking grounded discussion, mainly in regards to JWs and ExJWs, never, at least once there is grounded discussion, and should JWs speak about CSA they are censored, attacked and or removed in a bias arena. This is why I often used Hyde Park as an example of people coming together to speak about CSA with faith groups after the situation with pedophiles being released back into the public.

That being said, should there be no ground discussion going forward, the mass exodus of abusers, rapist and killers of people, specifically women and children, as is with an uptick of Gang stalkers, etc. will effectively put people in bondage. Should Authoritarianism rise in the states, CSA and violence will be far more brutal than what it is now, even past the Reset; those of status who are abusers themselves, will forever be immune and if we speak, we will be censored.

The question is, who among the faith ground will start? The JWs or the ExJWs concerning ground discussion? Some instances of this was professed here, mainly by Anna, JWI and Tom, The JW teen, and the guy with a black cat for a profile pick, and there are many examples elsewhere. To clearly though, there are two factions of ExJWs, the ones that did not dwell on what JWs see as apostasy vs those who do; the ExJWs, the latter, are also attacked by those who have turned to apostasy, even mocked, i.e. A few ExJWs and a Bible Student stopped a protest at a park against JWs, these people were dealt with sadly.

That said, there is Hell coming this late Fall into Winter, mainly due to what the paradigm is doing, this goes for the mass children released at the dead of night, as is with criminals.

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12 hours ago, ApostaBabe Linda James said:

For the most part, we can assume that children say under what I believe to be 12 years old, won't be attending these meetings because they have not been vaccinated for Covid-19. Being vaccinated is part of the requirements as far as showing up at these Kingdom Hall meetings. So unless the age limit changes to a lower age for receiving C-19 vaccinations, we can pretty much assume those 12 and under will not be in attendance at these Kingdom Hall's.

So although I have concern about the members returning to the Kingdom Hall's for their meetings, something's just not right about this whole thing. I my share my concerns later.

Are you familiar with the WTJWorg position on vaccination? Is there agitation on members to vaccinate?
Basically, what you mention, can really be a problem, that smaller children won’t be able to come with their parents. I mean, on the other hand, kids will be spared from some aspects of bad theology from the podium.

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Since we do live in a two dimensional forum on the site, I feel pretty confident in forwarding a two dimensional comment.

Looking at what ABLJ STATED, Above, it seems to have no back up or make any sense whatsoever.

Yeah I do this all the time, but it is clearly understood by those who have two neurons to rub together.

It’s like the old saying goes, I never repeat rumors…… So you better pay attention the first time.

TWICE she assumes things that are not in evidence, with no basis whatsoever for the premise upon which that opinion is offered.….. and who is this “we”, in “we assume…”?


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2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Are you familiar with the WTJWorg position on vaccination? Is there agitation on members to vaccinate?

Most of us are aware, however, there was a lot of misinformation spread about Jehovah's Witnesses and vaccinations to the point it was addressed in a public briefing in NYC. Regardless, when it comes to mandates, everyone gets effected one way or another, JWs included. At the very start of the pandemic, both Kosnen and I coined segregation and division among the people, and such kicked off in January 2021 and onwards. Two United States, Two United Kingdoms, Two Africas, etc.

The JABBO situation does result in some issues; and it is a path for those in power in relation to the Reset.

2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Basically, what you mention, can really be a problem, that smaller children won’t be able to come with their parents. I mean, on the other hand, kids will be spared from some aspects of bad theology from the podium.

Unfortunately, the huge increase of abusers do not always need a church or a school, granted of what transpired from a county, and the people released into the night. Moreover, the justice system is dropping people off, even those known for criminal action, i.e. the woman who was raped on the train, the boy who raped a girl in the bathroom of a school, etc.

This also proves to be a double edged sword for those escaping abuse from the homes, whereas the Father and or Mother abuses children violently or sexually and the only solace is indeed a religious institution and or a school.

That being said, when the Reset happens, CSA will be moved down the ladder, so to speak. The UK, another story. Texas recently released an abuser, and around the states other criminals are left loose. Ironic because it is Antifa season again.

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2 hours ago, Pudgy said:

Since we do live in a two dimensional forum on the site, I feel pretty confident in forwarding a two dimensional comment.

Looking at what ABLJ STATED, Above, it seems to have no back up or make any sense whatsoever.

Yeah I do this all the time, but it is clearly understood by those who have two neurons to rub together.

It’s like the old saying goes, I never repeat rumors…… So you better pay attention the first time.

TWICE she assumes things that are not in evidence, with no basis whatsoever for the premise upon which that opinion is offered.….. and who is this “we”, in “we assume…”?


Unfortunately there is Hell coming in any violent and sex related crimes. I was among the hundreds shut down because of the school situation, abusers and criminals are being released this time around and it is Antifa season, CSA is going to be more brutal because of a stars aligned type situation that was in action, and those of high status are still immune.

That being said, I am looking forward to the Maxwell situation concerning abuse, but if she says anything too wild, it would not surprise me if the government ends up "killing" her to protect those who committed the abuse, namely one of UK's Princes, in which the police simply ignored and pretended he had no ties, as is with the situation with Bill Gates.

In short, the world has lost it's marbles to the point even some folks are giving their children to abusers of status just for the money; selling their children.

Prepare for a cold end for Fall and a Dark Winter.

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@ApostaBabe Linda James I guess I had spoken too soon, granted us Truthers tend to be very early with things at times before the general public. The Libs, Cult of the Woke and Leftist who had promoted the Pfizer propaganda got their way - https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-announce-positive-topline-results

The increase division, fights, etc. will be ignited just from this alone, therefore, it makes the mantra "They're coming for your children" even more chilling to those who knows what that means.

This will essentially give even criminals an edge to commit even more harm, so to speak, and or injury because this opens more doors for them since more children will be present. And this does not only lean towards CSA, but, should the unaware fail to stop it, the indoctrination of children when it comes to the brazen conduct now being taught in schools/Higher Education in general, for a form of CSA and racisms, as is with hate is being taught to children. Granted we have JWs and ExJWs here, it will be no surprise The Holy Bible (or those who read the Qu'ran) will becoming an even bigger target on the Woke's hitlist, then you have Section 203.

That being said, mid-Fall into a Dark Winter is very close - in the realm of CSA and other things, should the grenade be tossed to you in a trench, be sure to throw it back.

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