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CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News

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8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Don’t get your wild beasts from Snopes, who wouldn’t know a wild beast from a gerbil.

Interesting quote here too:

"this statue was created to depict a “guardian of peace and security,” not an apocalyptic monster"

it's like when the Bible says good will become bad and the bad will become good.

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Are you one?….being a witness of the Almighty does not make us push overs..or doormats….I dont join in a lot here because it gets a bit childish ….but do not be mistaken Dmitar….Jesus is the Chief Com

Right here:  I’m working up a post on this one. Not quite there yet, but an excerpt is:  It didn’t take long for word to spread about the new UN statue—doesn’t it looks a lot like one

Oh great! You’ve doxxed them. Now they’ll be deluged with scammers and telemarketers! Good work, Bowser.

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39 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Thank you for admitting people here have no moral or ethics when it

You use some kind of license to twist peoples words in order to put things in people's mouths- which they did not say. I think this is why it is so hard to talk with you..... it is the twisting which makes it hard....

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6 hours ago, JW Insider said:

important for news media to pick and choose whose interviews get on the air. And

Like Hitler's team chose the stories whict went on the air....    In a healthy situation ALL reporting is supposed to have no bias... and both sides published.... in a normal situation..so that people do not just hear one side.

That is why I mentioned on this forum my shock  in 2018,  the UN agreement which had a clause which stipulated that reporters had to be "retrained"..... to tow the line.  In China they do e exactly that.  There is a virologist which fled China now giving interviews about Covid. She tells how she is threatened and her life in danger in a foreign country. The tentacles of CCP is everywhere - like a monster in the dark. 

In Germany a new reality was created for all it's people (gaslighted) and one had to believe the narrative or propaganda or feel the consequences...... this has been going on in China and already being imported in the West....... as I warned 2 years ago.  The UN saw China as the model..... 

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35 minutes ago, Arauna said:

There is a virologist which fled China now giving interviews about Covid. She tells how she is threatened and her life in danger in a foreign country. The tentacles of CCP is everywhere - like a monster in the dark.

There's another side to this story too. I don't trust the NYT as far as a delivery boy can throw it, but the other side should still be noted.

(Side Note: Although all coronaviruses so far have been known to come from animal species, I don't doubt the possibility that it could have come from a lab, either in the US or China. A very recent Newsweek article attacks Fauci, but appears to do so as a way to blame him for funding a lot of gain-of-function research on as many bat coronaviruses as they could manage. The fact that a lot of coronavirus research in Wuhan was funded by Fauci could have been one of the reasons that the US (and NYT) so quickly denied the possibility of a lab leak.)

There are still quite a few good scientific reasons to doubt the leak story, and also to doubt the virologists story. Strong rumors have also emerged that the same original strain has been found in blood samples from Italy going back into early 2019. But a leak still seems possible to me.

Anyway the NYT story probably didn't like the virologist because her story was made part of a Trump - Steve Bannon  project. I've mentioned Bannon's involvement in anti-China media projects before, and he has made a lot of money from the Pentagon for it. So has Falun Gong/NDTV, where the story continues to be repeated.

Here is what the NYT (and others) made of the Chinese virologist story: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/20/business/media/steve-bannon-china.html

How Steve Bannon and a Chinese Billionaire Created a Right-Wing Coronavirus Media Sensation

Increasingly allied, the American far right and members of the Chinese diaspora tapped into social media to give a Hong Kong researcher a vast audience for peddling unsubstantiated pandemic claims.

. . . .

Dr. Li-Meng Yan wanted to remain anonymous. It was mid-January, and Dr. Yan, a researcher in Hong Kong, had been hearing rumors about a dangerous new virus in mainland China that the government was playing down. Terrified for her personal safety and career, she reached out to her favorite Chinese YouTube host, known for criticizing the Chinese government.

Within days, the host was telling his 100,000 followers that the coronavirus had been deliberately released by the Chinese Communist Party. He wouldn’t name the whistle-blower, he said, because officials could make the person “disappear.”

By September, Dr. Yan had abandoned caution. She appeared in the United States on Fox News making the unsubstantiated claim to millions that the coronavirus was a bio-weapon manufactured by China.

Overnight, Dr. Yan became a right-wing media sensation, with top advisers to President Trump and conservative pundits hailing her as a hero. Nearly as quickly, her interview was labeled on social media as containing “false information,” while scientists rejected her research as a polemic dressed up in jargon.

Her evolution was the product of a collaboration between two separate but increasingly allied groups that peddle misinformation: a small but active corner of the Chinese diaspora and the highly influential far right in the United States.

Each saw an opportunity in the pandemic to push its agenda. For the diaspora, Dr. Yan and her unfounded claims provided a cudgel for those intent on bringing down China’s government. For American conservatives, they played to rising anti-Chinese sentiment and distracted from the Trump administration’s bungled handling of the outbreak.

Both sides took advantage of the dearth of information coming out of China, where the government has refused to share samples of the virus and has resisted a transparent, independent investigation. Its initial cover-up of the outbreak has further fueled suspicion about the origins of the virus.

An overwhelming body of evidence shows that the virus almost certainly originated in an animal, most likely a bat, before evolving to make the leap into humans. While U.S. intelligence agencies have not ruled out the possibility of a lab leak, they have not found any proof so far to back up that theory.

Each saw an opportunity in the pandemic to push its agenda. For the diaspora, Dr. Yan and her unfounded claims provided a cudgel for those intent on bringing down China’s government. For American conservatives, they played to rising anti-Chinese sentiment and distracted from the Trump administration’s bungled handling of the outbreak.

Both sides took advantage of the dearth of information coming out of China, where the government has refused to share samples of the virus and has resisted a transparent, independent investigation. Its initial cover-up of the outbreak has further fueled suspicion about the origins of the virus.

An overwhelming body of evidence shows that the virus almost certainly originated in an animal, most likely a bat, before evolving to make the leap into humans. While U.S. intelligence agencies have not ruled out the possibility of a lab leak, they have not found any proof so far to back up that theory. . . .

Dr. Yan, through representatives for Mr. Bannon and Mr. Guo, declined multiple requests for an interview. So did Mr. Wang, citing The New York Times’s “reputation for fake news.”



I don't trust much of either side on this issue. And I don't always trust "science" either. Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine completely blew it by running fraudulent reports with obviously fraudulent data. Even "peer review" doesn't mean much when so much greed is at play.

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.... just as a lark, remembering a comment I made frivolously several weeks ago, about the Kingdom Hall Parking Lots being refueling stations for flying saucers, or something to that effect, I Googled "Kingdom Hall Flying Saucer", and this popped up......

"The constellation of the seven stars forming the Pleiades appears to be the crowning center around which the known systems of the planets revolve.... It has been suggested, and with much weight, that one of the stars of that group is the dwelling place of Jehovah and the place of the highest heavens;.... The constellation of the Pleiades is a small one compared with others which scientific instruments disclose to the wondering eyes of man. But the greatness in size of other stars or planets is small when compared to the Pleiades in importance, because the Pleiades is the place of the eternal throne of God."

J. F. Rutherford, Reconciliation, 1928, p. 14.


...... My first thought was wondering what the ellipses in the quote were leaving out, that it may have been taken completely out of an overall context.  (I do not have the book "Reconciliation")

Other than being completely false and embarrassingly wrong cosmology, any comments?

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I gave that comment a "sad" emoticon AND a "laugh" emoticon, because I would not wish that on anybody, AND it's funny, because it's a LOOOOooooong distance call .... except from Warwick, where it is a local call.

On FTL phone it's about $26 million dollars a minute.

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12 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

I gave that comment a "sad" emoticon AND a "laugh" emoticon, because I would not wish that on anybody, AND it's funny, because it's a LOOOOooooong distance call .... except from Warwick, where it is a local call.

If you knew more about zoology you would realize that therein lies the answer to your previous question. The stars of the Pleiades are quite close together, making it easy for a kangaroo to hop from one to another.  

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On 12/24/2021 at 3:57 PM, Pudgy said:

.... just as a lark, remembering a comment I made frivolously several weeks ago, about the Kingdom Hall Parking Lots being refueling stations for flying saucers, or something to that effect, I Googled "Kingdom Hall Flying Saucer", and this popped up......

"The constellation of the seven stars forming the Pleiades appears to be the crowning center around which the known systems of the planets revolve.... It has been suggested, and with much weight, that one of the stars of that group is the dwelling place of Jehovah and the place of the highest heavens;.... The constellation of the Pleiades is a small one compared with others which scientific instruments disclose to the wondering eyes of man. But the greatness in size of other stars or planets is small when compared to the Pleiades in importance, because the Pleiades is the place of the eternal throne of God."

J. F. Rutherford, Reconciliation, 1928, p. 14.


...... My first thought was wondering what the ellipses in the quote were leaving out, that it may have been taken completely out of an overall context.  (I do not have the book "Reconciliation")

Other than being completely false and embarrassingly wrong cosmology, any comments?

Rutherford himself admitted he ..”had made a complete ass of himself over a lot of his writing..”….he was the one that changed the understanding of the ark representing or a type of Jesus….to representing the org……and if you stop and think about the ramifications by that it’s mind numbing…the GB has since changed it back to Russell’s understanding……but I give Rutherford great credit in getting us out of idolatry with the pagan celebrations…Jehovah puts up with a lot from ones he sees fit to use…..thank goodness !!!

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