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Coronavirus: Jehovah’s Witnesses Cancel Historical Evangelism In UK

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Coronavirus: Jehovah’s Witnesses Cancel Historical Evangelism In UK

With the apparent failure of the western powers to contain a further spread of the contagious coronavirus, a religious organisation, the Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW), has cancelled its historical mode of evangelism across the United Kingdom.
For fear of the disease, the Christian religion organisation, for the first time in the history of its existence, announced the cancellation of its evangelism activities, including house-to-house, street and literature cart witnessing in the entire UK.
The cancellation was coming for the first time in 139 years since the religion sect got to London in 1881 and the opening of its first branch there in 1900.
A source based in London told Tribune Online that the JW has further announced the cancellation of their usual Sunday meeting gatherings in their entire place of worship, known as Kingdom Halls, in the whole of the United Kingdom.

“Local congregation body of elders now awaits further directives from JW headquarters and branches in what will unfold in the coming weeks,” the source further revealed.




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I think you have just inadvertently admitted why Jesus was so dead-set against looking for signs indicating how close we were to the END. When people begin trying to use various ideas from world event

Quote @JW Insider "No one should be able to say, oh look at this war, "See here!" it is the greatest war ever seen, or "Look at this great earthquake, or famine, or pestilence, " But isn't that w

Facts are nice, but they are overrated. They are downright dangerous things in the hands of some, who handle them as deftly as a surgeon with a jackhammer. Facts mean little in themselves. It’s h

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I am sure that it is "cancelled" in the sense of being cancelled until everybody gets a handle on this novel disease, and how it spreads, and like the swine flu which began in 2009 with the influenza virus known as H1N1, it spread around the world and according to the CDC there were 61 million cases globally, between April 2009 and April 2010, and globally, 575,000 people were killed by it.

No one has experience with this new, novel virus, and many false steps will be made by EVERYBODY, before an optimum protocol is realized and put into place.

Like a massive ocean liner carrying 8-1/2 million passengers ... it's easier to diagnose problems, and make repairs when it is temporarily stopped..

It is my firm belief that this virus has been hyper-hyped by the media to a frenzy of panic, as previous pandemics have not been, because the "fake news" media is infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), as shills of the Democrat Party, and is obsessed with trying to destroy Donald Trump and his Presidency, using any excuse imagined.

Perhaps what REALLY needs to be done to scale back artificial panic, is quarantine Democrats.

Like the old saying "Climate is what we expect .. weather is what we get.", we won't have a good handle on this for several months.

I hope that by June of this year the crisis will have proved to be artificial.

... and by June of 2023, ike H1N1, it will just be a footnote in history.

...soon enough, we will all know.



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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

the swine flu which began in 2009 with the influenza virus known as H1N1, it spread around the world and according to the CDC there were 61 million cases globally, between April 2009 and April 2010, and globally, 575,000 people were killed by it.

Just nit-picking your numbers a bit. Wikipedia quotes sources supporting the following numbers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swine_influenza

It is estimated that in the 2009 flu pandemic 11–21% of the then global population (of about 6.8 billion), or around 700 million to 1.4 billion people, contracted the illness—more in absolute terms than the Spanish flu pandemic. However, with about 150,000–575,000 fatalities, it had a much lower case fatality rate.

You quoted 61 million cases, globally, which was the CDC's estimate for the number only in the United States, where about, 300,000 were hospitalized, and 12,500 persons were said to have died from it.

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It seems that China also have Bird Flu now too.  We're doomed Captain Mainwaring doomed I say. 

Is it another sign ? :) 


It seems that bird flu can affect humans mentally as well as physically. My wife thinks we will soon have zombies wandering around :)  Tom think i am one already 

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Guest Tom Henry

Signs are inclusive to frequency not numbers of the population. There has been catastrophic events in the past. The Black Plague is one. That doesn't mean that event was followed by another damaging event, like they have been since 1914. The influenza of 1918 started at the time WW1 was ending. FREQUENCY.

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27 minutes ago, Tom Henry said:

Signs are inclusive to frequency not numbers of the population. There has been catastrophic events in the past. The Black Plague is one. That doesn't mean that event was followed by another damaging event, like they have been since 1914. The influenza of 1918 started at the time WW1 was ending. FREQUENCY.

So what are you suggesting Tom ? Are you saying it proves the world is closer to Armageddon ? 

With or without any happening, each day brings the world closer to Armageddon. I just see the Org or individual JWs grasping at straws with each new disease or virus or world problem...

It's so very obvious that things will get much worse each year as the immorality and degeneration of humans continues. And that will continue until God brings it to a halt. 

When it rains the ground gets wet. If I get up in the morning and step outside and the ground is very wet it's a sign to me that it has been raining. But it's not a sign that a flood is coming. 

Each disaster or horrible event around the world is a sign that the world is in the hands of the devil and that the human race cannot rule themselves, but it is not a sign of the closeness of Armageddon. 

No organisation is suitable for God to use right now. No organisation is clean enough or Spiritual enough or has enough Faith. No service to God through Christ is good enough right now.  None. A lot needs to happen and that takes time. I have faith that it will happen, hence I'm not looking at Armageddon coming soon and I'm not looking for the physical signs that the Org seems to be looking for.  

God needs 'spiritual men' and the CCJW only offer 'physical men'.  There will be years of suffering yet to come before God has what He needs to work with. 

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Guest Tom Henry
1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

So what are you suggesting Tom ? Are you saying it proves the world is closer to Armageddon ? 

With or without any happening, each day brings the world closer to Armageddon. I just see the Org or individual JWs grasping at straws with each new disease or virus or world problem...

That means, JW's shouldn't worry about the conditions of humanity since they know this wicked system will come to a close. The bible specifically states to stay alert and keep on the watch. Matthew 24:42, Mark 13:33, 1 Peter 5:8-14.

Does that mean to keep watching and waiting for Domesday? NO! It means, those Christians should stand, steadfast with their spirituality. Personal spirituality is what God demands, and will judge those that failed to listen like in the time of Noah.


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Guest Tom Henry
1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

No organisation is suitable for God to use right now. No organisation is clean enough or Spiritual enough or has enough Faith. No service to God through Christ is good enough right now.  None. A lot needs to happen and that takes time. I have faith that it will happen, hence I'm not looking at Armageddon coming soon and I'm not looking for the physical signs that the Org seems to be looking for.  

Matthew 24:12-13

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I too, see the corona virus as a sign of the begining of the end time. But it is little hard to define when exactly the end time begins? The four horse men of the Revelation begins with the white horse, and its Rider Jesus Christ, then comes the red horse that symbolizes much war on earth. After that comes the black horse, that symbolizes a lot of famine. And then lastly comes the pale horse, that includes deadly plague.

Well looks these 4 horses and their riders have just now begun to ride. 

So easily it could take 5 years before the end.

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