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Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Insider - thanks for kind words.  No - I would never presume..... but maybe I should write a song!  How about that! 

But first I have to learn for driver's license in Sweden - and pass it - it is hard.... and get better in my Svenska! Too much on my plate.   I have been very ill - a throat infection for two weeks - so bad that the glands do not want to go down... so this is why I have spent more time here on the forum because I just could not get myself to concentrate on my books!

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I see we have a few feminists here.  If you investigate where feminism comes from you will not be so eager to promote this way of thinking!  Any case I am female and I am very happy in the congre

Sorry   I don't care to argue with apostates who use the same type of questioning that Satan used. The "Ministry of Justice is now being influenced by Dvorkin and other anti-cultist apostates and the

Sorry   I don't care to argue with apostates who use the same type of questioning that Satan used. The "Ministry of Justice is now being influenced by Dvorkin and other anti-cultist apostates and the

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6 minutes ago, Arauna said:

But first I have to learn for driver's license in Sweden

My. You certainly get around. And I was worried a few weeks ago when a hurricane was pounding FL.

My sister married and moved to Copenhagen from the US about 15 years ago. Took her several years of Danish lessons before they'd give her a citizenship. We are visiting next week. Last time we visited wanted a Norwegian cruise and missed the chance. Too cold, now, I think.

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Winter starting...... Yes, my husband took job here so I can preach to the Arabic refugees.  Of course I did not foresee the language difficulties..... and getting new, potent, germs! I am learning Swenska so I can understand the meetings and keep talking!.  We only have an Arabic group here and have one new meeting attendee!  He changed his name - Muslim before!   Not baptized yet.  but exciting!

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agile; also called Ornan 1 Chronicles 21:15 , a Jebusite who dwelt in Jerusalem before it was taken by the Israelites. The destroying angel, sent to punish David for his vanity in taking a census of the people, was stayed in his work of destruction near a threshing-floor belonging to Araunah which was situated on Mount Moriah. Araunah offered it to David as a free gift, together with the oxen and the threshing instruments; but the king insisted on purchasing it at its full price ( 2 Samuel 24:24 ; 1 Chronicles 21:24 1 Chronicles 21:25 ), for, according to the law of sacrifices, he could not offer to God what cost him nothing. On the same place Solomon afterwards erected the temple ( 2 Samuel 24:16 ; 2 Chr. 3:1 

As Arauna you are rather serious-minded, responsible, and stable. 

You have the gift of tact and diplomacy, and possess a charming, easy-going nature which endears you to others.

You have a serious desire to understand the heart and mind of everyone, and could be very effective in a career or in volunteer work where you are handling people and serving in a humanitarian way.

This name also gives you a love of home and family, and as a parent you would likely be fair and understanding.

You remember the thoughtful little expressions of affection and appreciation that mean so much to others, and you have the ability to create a warm and loving environment.

However, you tend to put things off and avoid facing issues because of a lack of confidence and uncertainty.

You often need encouragement from someone before you can come to a decision.

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

I am NOT feminist! ......  I think emotional smartness is better.

True feminist quote :) 

WT (in publications) take a stand that man is person of mind but woman is person of emotions. But perhaps bro or sis who wrote article with such thoughts just reading too much worldly books and find such reason as in this quote; Men are governed by lines of intellect - women: by curves of emotion. - James Joyce

Analogy: In 1971, whilst organ transplants were banned, the Watchtower published an article about the heart.  In the article, quoted below, they believed that the heart was were all a person's emotions came from. This was not in a figurative way but very literally. In the text the Watchtower talks about how heart transplant patients have become psychotic, and even possibly suggesting that they acquired the heart’s previous owners personalities. Watchtower 1971 March 1 pp.133-9 How Is Your Heart? - "And a third man expressed great fear of feminization upon receiving a woman's heart, though he was somewhat mollified when he learned that women live longer than men." 

I was about 15 of age and very well remembered a convention in Graz, Austria where all that was teached with big pictures as presentation while speaker have explanations on the issue. :))) (international convention) 

And as some of you already know, such "uninspired nonsense" was discarded in next decade. Watchtower 1986 June 1 p.15 Determined to Serve Jehovah With a Complete Heart - "Finally the heart became known for what it is, a pump to circulate the blood throughout the body."


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I should not say it. It is too crass. I am not in her league. She is too refined. I am too much like the idiot who hollers: "Hi Yo Silver!!" when he hears the William Tell Overture.

Ah, well.

2 hours ago, Arauna said:

I always have had to watch my personality (having trained for many years as a opera singer ...It is not too late!  You do not want to be the 5 virgins who did not have their lamps shining!   

It's not over till the fat lady sings.


2 hours ago, Arauna said:

so this is why I have spent more time here on the forum because I just could not get myself to concentrate on my books!

 I know that feeling.

image (9).jpeg

It's not mine, though I wish it were. It certainly fits. It is that of author Harlan Coben, his tweet. I must read one of his books someday in payment. I trust there will be nothing untoward in it - I've no reason to think so, granted that it will not be a church hymnal.

"Grow up, TTH, would you?" says....pretty much anyone.

1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

You have a serious desire to understand the heart and mind of everyone, and could be very effective in a career or in volunteer work where you are handling people and serving in a humanitarian way.

Yes. That is why she is where she is - with Jehovah's organization.


PS: Isn't this pic one of ours? I could swear I have seen it. It is pretty chaste to come from anywhere other than JWs. Isn't it in the Live Forever book? Nope.image (10).jpeg

But I am still not convinced it is not ours. Maybe it is common stock which both he and they used.  Once I accused @Ann O'Maly for using our photo to promote her very opposite cause. To her satisfaction, and my chagrin, she pointed out that it was not 'ours.' It was common stock that we had purchased, but anyone else could, too.

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2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

aware of what sisters think,

recently i had opportunity to meet some ex brothers and sisters, who know me for long time. They read my Letter of dissociation and this is second or third time we meet after my living JW. We talked for a hour. Many bro or sis in JW congregations are very disappointed and are in dissident mode who knows how long time already, but only few in private circles of trust know that.

2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

and another sister (now ex-sister, unfortunately) who was very well respected by Brother Lloyd Barry and both Brothers Karl and Don Adams and put together a huge portion of the Proclaimers book.

You thought about Barbara Anderson? I like her blog very much.     http://watchtowerdocuments.org/

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25 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Many bro or sis in JW congregations are very disappointed and are in dissident mode who knows how long time already, but only few in private circles of trust know that.

I believe this, although I don't know if what you think of as "many" is the same as what I think of as "many."  One of my concerns was with the idea that so many sisters that my wife knows believe that they suffer more depression than non-JW counterparts due to lack of marital prospects, and some think that their only way of being noticed at all by brothers who are "marriageable" is to pioneer, for example. But this is not possible for all, yet the examples and attitudes presented at meetings/conventions from fellow sisters is nearly always presented by a sister who is also a pioneer. I've known sisters who quit their jobs to pioneer in good part to help solve this issue, which is ironic, because the second most important factor in a sister finding a marriage mate in our circuit anyway, is for the sister to have a job.

25 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

You thought about Barbara Anderson? I like her blog very much.

I wasn't at Bethel at the same time as she was, although I had met her husband a couple times. I have a good friend in the Writing department who STILL has the highest regard for her, even though she is disfellowshipped.

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18 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

if what you think of as "many" is the same as what I think of as "many." 

for this panel conversation it is of not much important, i think. If compare numbers that in cong with 70-80 people you have 5-10 with "doubts" on doctrine or else inside JWorg it is "many", or it is not? :) It would be interesting to make some analysis and questionnaire to see how JWorg members "breathe". But we would never know that because of F.O.G. complex (fear, obligation, guilt) and true state of mind and heart will stay "XYZ coordinate without numbers". Blanc, empty area for public even inside JWorg and for "shepherds of human soul" too. But it is better for elders to not know true conditions of members because, i think, they are not fit, suitable, equipped for catch with such answers and  circumstance inside people.

1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

One of my concerns was with the idea that so many sisters


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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

  I used to ask my husband if I wanted to send money to family members or anyone because he knows I will never do anything he is not aware of.

I am assuming your husband would let you know ("consult") if he was going to send money to his relatives and not just do it without telling you, and not do anything that you are not aware of, it's called communication.  Marriage is a partnership, where both are equal but only one makes the final decision.

Unfortunately many husbands are quite happy to abdicate their responsibility as heads, as a lot of men can be quite lazy, and so it's easier for them :D Then there are others who think that the only way to exercise headship is to be a tyrant.  As for women, I would say they are much cleverer than men in matters of the emotions. Men (in general) want to please a woman (and I’m not talking about sex) and feel fulfilled as men when they succeed.  Women can take advantage of that and wreak havoc with men’s minds (Eve, Delilah, Cleopatra, etc. etc.)This is where women wield a lot of power over men and this can be misused much to the detriment of both sexes. A woman can make or break a household, that’s how much power they have, regardless of whether the man acts as the head or not. When the scriptures talk about a woman having respect for her husband, it goes both ways of course. When they respect each other’s God given positions, and respect each other as human beings, only good can come out of that.

Well, that's Anna's wisdom for today. Exhausted myself :D

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2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I've known sisters who quit their jobs to pioneer in good part to help solve this issue, which is ironic, because the second most important factor in a sister finding a marriage mate in our circuit anyway, is for the sister to have a job.

That might be so, but I believe it would help if sisters knew how to use their feminine qualities (not necessarily physical) to attract brothers. Spirituality should of course play a big role, but if a sister warns a prospective brother she is interested in, that when she has her monthly days she has to lock herself in her room, eat chocolate and breaks out in pimples is not an attractive visual. This honestly happened to a friend of mine. Needless to say he struck her off his list, despite the fact they were both pioneers and she was physically attractive AND had a job.  If she had kept this to herself, I am sure he would have never noticed had they got married. Some sisters just don’t seem to know that too much information is just too much information.

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