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7 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Since you clarified what you meant, that Islam is violent,

Here down  is original comment.

7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I cited a situation where members of Islam were violent, ...

Additional comment related to the original:

In this particular situation (Charlie Hebdo shootings) in France, some people who are followers/members of Islam (two Muslims) done violent act in the name of Islam. 

As you see from my original comment, i didn't say how Islam is violent. And i didn't make claim how Muslims are violent because Islam is violent religion.

You made fine observation where we can see how people from various religious background acted violently (individually or organized).

As for the violent act of conduct in WTJWorg, violence of this type is contained in the manipulative actions of religious leaders (guardians of doctrine) and executors of orders (primarily elders and from majority of members). A further psychological act of violence is in the methods of shunning, towards members, ex-members and even towards many who do not belong to the JW religion.
We can always ask ourselves what is harder, to beat and kill someone? Or completely ignore and blackmail someone mentally and emotionally?

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I had all that info' come through on an email as I'm on the mailing list.   Jesus made it very clear that true Christians should turn the other cheek, give the inner/outer garmnet also, walk the

I don't think they get paid for this, I think they do it for free....just like everyone else who does any work for the org. if they're a JW.

Yes, as for the lawyers who decided to volunteer for WTJWorg. I think there were law firms that were hired outside of WTJWorg. Maybe some JW brother / elder who has his own law firm or a “secular” law

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3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

In this particular situation (Charlie Hebdo shootings) in France, some people who are followers/members of Islam (two Muslims) done violent act in the name of Islam. 

As you see from my original comment, i didn't say how Islam is violent. And i didn't make claim how Muslims are violent because Islam is violent religion.

Those 2 were Radicalized, by a fringe group of Radicalized members, the group in question being ISIS (ISIL). This is obvious due to the mention of Amedy Coulibaly and his mentor, who, also Radicalized, swear allegiance to ISIS, in the name of ISIS, not Islam, granted others are not associated with them. Be careful with what the MSM says, there is an Agenda for all paradigms involved, and a not so good one.

To confuse them with other Muslim groups enabled a sea of violence against bystanders, so it is not wise to not make a distinction here, mainly if this is traced back to ISIS. I say this because there were several provoked, a lot of them, situations where some people paid dearly for it, be it scarred for life, or succumb to death.


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11 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Why are you asking me that. I cited a situation where members of Islam were violent, not JW. SM's mentality infected you? He have habit to construct other people comments.

I don't display much of my mentality here nor anywhere, so it would be nice to not make claims if you do not want someone to ask for evidence. I analyze comments several times (3 times) to discern true/false witnesses and or testimony, likewise with other sources, and only do call backs if the situation calls for it or reflects.

As already mentioned, not members of Islam are violent, just one in particular in your related example.

Granted you bring JWs, there were claims of JWs being violent, I am sure you are familiar with Rick Fearon because whenever he was ever mentioned, there were some interactions from you.

That being said, if someone asks you a direct question, to denote it to some unfounded mentality is not a good look, for if one does that, it would call to question when the same situation applies if in reverse, i.e. you asking questions to the latter. Mentality is a different notation, mainly when it comes to mannerism and the like displayed in text, i.e. the DoC situation from a few days back.

All in all, when it comes to Copyright, in regards to this thread in question, they are in the right to sue/take action if they choose, in this case, they did and the person sued is lucky they are not specific companies they will sue them into oblivion via money and life. To the onlooker such as yourself if you do not know Copyright, you would not know, but to Witness' credit, you haven't dealt with Copyright so you would know.

Copyright Laws also dwell within the realms of Censorship, granted, Censorship and the Articles are often used by those who know a bit too much of certain things, myself, being a target in that respect, along with others like me.

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3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Here down  is original comment.

Yes, however, you mentioned the Watchtower. That's a comparison that you should have never made.

3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

As you see from my original comment, i didn't say how Islam is violent. And i didn't make claim how Muslims are violent because Islam is violent religion.

It doesn't matter how violent other religions are, and the reason behind that violence. Therefore, this portion of your justification is moot.

3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

As for the violent act of conduct in WTJWorg, violence of this type is contained in the manipulative actions of religious leaders (guardians of doctrine) and executors of orders (primarily elders and from majority of members).

Once again, what is your reason for this slanderous accusation? You just finished excusing your comparison with other religions, and you now show I was right.

If this obtuse statement was true, then Jesus was advocating violence and death to those that didn't believe? Can @Witness explain why she agrees with such utter nonsense?

3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

A further psychological act of violence is in the methods of shunning, towards members, ex-members and even towards many who do not belong to the JW religion.
We can always ask ourselves what is harder, to beat and kill someone? Or completely ignore and blackmail someone mentally and emotionally?

Then you know NOTHING about psychology. This has nothing to do with your lack of English writing skills. Now you are accusing the GB of hypnotizing its members to cause harm. Your woeful and foolish statement continues in its slanderous path.

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11 hours ago, Dmitar said:

since Islam believes terrorist high jacked their religion

11 hours ago, Dmitar said:

They don't advocate violence or harm to another human being, as expressed by our lord and savior.

I beg to differ with you.  I have read the Quran and have studied Sharia law as well as the history of Islam.  Their prophet waged war every two to 3 months and paid his men with the booty taken (including women slaves).  I preached among Muslims and wanted to free every woman from her lot.  While I love them to bits, I was always very careful being a Christian. When I preach I can hear if they are Sunni or Shia. When the prophet  died, the khalifs went to war with all the Arabian tribes until they were Muslim.  Within 300 years the empire of Islam had spread to Afghanistan in the east, north Africa, Spain and were beaten off in France at the battle of Tours.

Did you know there is a genocide going on in Africa? El Shabab  Boko haram - they have spread and taken over vast areas.  They take women as slaves and murder Christians. In Mozambique - ISIS is present and there is a resurgence of ISIS.

You haven't seen anything in the news?  NO, they are protected as minorities in western countries. To write about these things will hurt their feelings. It is called islamophobia.

I just typed in a line in Google and this came up:



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17 minutes ago, Arauna said:

I have read the Quran and have studied Sharia law as well as the history of Islam. 

Likewise, as a means to know their understanding. The only reason in my case was due to the Hyde Park Debates in London whereas the Trinitarians made the Christian faith look foolish to make The Muslims assume all Christians were Trinitarians, i.e. the confrontations with The Soco Camp vs Muslims, Ali Dawah being among them. A member of your faith was a former Muslim, who almost went into Mainstream Christianity but became a JW instead. He was, at one point almost a victim ISIS, as is among the very few JWs I debated in the past. Granted he his family and his still in Islam family members are all Arabic, they're customs can confuse others to assume that all of them are Muslims when it is only a few.

That being said, there are falsehoods about Islam, and as I do here, I refute falsehoods of said faith. Some would often confuse the common Muslim for the Radicalized ones, granted, the MSM tends to confuse people a lot regarding them. This is also akin to a Christian vs a Radicalized Christian.

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38 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

This is also akin to a Christian vs a Radicalized Christian.

The Muslms who say they are peaceful will go along with a mob who puts someone under fatwa.  They believe in one world government  (a khalifate) and believe they must lift the sword to get it done. Many Muslims are not this way but the teaching (ideology) is that they can be subversive and lie to get this done.  So one cannot trust them - I usually watch their behavior carefully to see how they react.  Many women showed interest but family members become quite violent and will go to any lengths to get them stop learning the bible. 

Most early (and even some Mosques today ) had a sword in the front of the Mosque. 

It is fundamentalism that takes them back to the same deeds Mohammad did.  Christians can also be fundamental - do exactly as Jesus did - but that is no threat to anyone. 

So now they call it extremism when it is fundamentalism.

Yes I agree, most believe all Christians believe in a trinity.

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

I beg to differ with you.  I have read the Quran and have studied Sharia law as well as the history of Islam.  Their prophet waged war every two to 3 months and paid his men with the booty taken (including women slaves). 

You're entitled to your opinion. That doesn't mean there aren't some within The Islam religion that think their religion has been hijacked by Islamic terrorist.



On the other. I'm not interested in their politics and reasons why Satan has them in his control. I already know.

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6 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

That doesn't mean there aren't some within The Islam religion that think their religion has been hijacked by Islamic terrorist.

It is their way of defending what is going on.  ... and part of the propaganda

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6 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Widely known practices of shunning that is obligatory religious behavior in WTJWorg.

Can you explain to the visitor how shunning is violent? In that respect, when none believers shun a family member or a member of society because they are either drunkards, or drug addicts, how would that be a violent schism?

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