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CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News

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9 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Christians just need to know it will and be spiritually prepared for it.

Exactly!  We are not prophets or anything else!  We are just commenting on what is!  ... and how it fits in with bible prophecy and how it could possibly play out!  (some speculation). We know world political events will prove beyond reasonable doubt that human rulership is futile at the height of human development and innovation........ they will use technology to bring the worst government - EVER!

We ALL know that it will ONLY be the intervention of Jehovah that can save those of his people who do not have the mark of the beast!  How to avoid the political mark of the beast and the mark of the image of the beast is the main question. Taking sides in any of the highly politicized facets of the debate is futile.  How does one navigate very carefully through all these pitfalls?  Since Governments are gaslighting its citizens and other NGOs, foundations, corporations, media and even some independent organizations are spreading misinformation - it is a quagmire to navigate... One tries to find the truth so one can make informed decisions but it is really a hard task!  

9 hours ago, Dmitar said:

The King of the North that is now comprised of China and Russia are positioning themselves.

Yes we can only watch from a distance how it plays out and not take sides!  We have the prophecies to fall back on and understand what can happen.... and prepare as best possible!  We will be tested!

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Are you one?….being a witness of the Almighty does not make us push overs..or doormats….I dont join in a lot here because it gets a bit childish ….but do not be mistaken Dmitar….Jesus is the Chief Com

Right here:  I’m working up a post on this one. Not quite there yet, but an excerpt is:  It didn’t take long for word to spread about the new UN statue—doesn’t it looks a lot like one

Oh great! You’ve doxxed them. Now they’ll be deluged with scammers and telemarketers! Good work, Bowser.

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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

Exactly!  We are not prophets or anything else!  We are just commenting on what is!  ... and how it fits in with bible prophecy and how it could possibly play out!  (some speculation).

Can you explain your thought, as a Jehovah's Witness, how you justify this part of your comment as the Lord's approved workman? When even with your own bible, you must understand 2 Timothy 2.

(2 Timothy 2:20-26) 20 Now in a large house there are utensils not only of gold and silver but also of wood and earthenware, and some for an honorable use but others for a use lacking honor. 21 So if anyone keeps clear of the latter ones, he will be an instrument for an honorable use, sanctified, useful to his owner, prepared for every good work. 22 So flee from youthful desires, but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a clean heart. 23 Further, reject foolish and ignorant debates, knowing that they produce fights. 24 For a slave of the Lord does not need to fight, but needs to be gentle toward all, qualified to teach, showing restraint when wronged, 25 instructing with mildness those not favorably disposed. Perhaps God may give them repentance leading to an accurate knowledge of truth, 26 and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the Devil, seeing that they have been caught alive by him to do his will.

What does politics have to do with a righteous person calling to spirituality? Does staying awake and seeing the signs come under a debate for a Christian? 2 Timothy 2:14

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Many things that are labeled "politics" by the naive and ignorant are merely an above average sense of situational awareness of what is going on around you, and having an opinion about the wisdom or folly of the madness that has replaced common sense.

Whether it is the daily news of national events, or strategic geopolitical awareness, if you are a competent observer, even though you have no influence whatsoever, you will be labeled a "political person".  Unless you shut up and stifle yourself.

When you shut up and stifle yourself you become a dry and humorless person.

Think I am kidding?

Try this on for size:

"What's the difference between the Covid shots, and Kyle Rittenhouse?

Answer: " Kyle's shots were effective!"

Get it?

Of course not.

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10 hours ago, Dmitar said:

some for an honorable use but others for a use lacking honor. 21 So if anyone keeps clear of the latter ones, he will be an instrument for an honorable use, sanctified, useful to his owner, prepared for every good work.

I do not think you would be on this forum if you yourself strictly practiced this scripture. This is a forum where people give their opinions on everything.  Unfortunately, we live in a totally divided world where a simple use of a word like man or woman can get one into "political" trouble.  Belief in God these days can get one into "political trouble" even if one does not even stipulate what the god is! Similarly, China, vaccines and any other subjects have become totally politicized. When one gives facts, that have been proven - others will say it is propaganda.  Yes - we live in a world hard to deal with.

Good information about many things are now blocked out by the 1% of the world who own everything or have allies in government..... so most of us give opinions on half the information available..... sad really.  Must one block out the world completely and live in a bubble?  That is each person's own decision.  I do not think this works out either.  Paul was fully aware of what went on around him because he  noticed the tribute to the "unknown God" and could adapt to Greeks and Jews alike.

I am thankful you mentioned the scripture because it made me think again.  I have become somewhat impatient with people on the forum who continually (over long periods) talk in such a way that it is close to disloyalty and also against their "own benefit".   I think it saddens me when people do not adapt.  I have had chats with people one here who have argued with me over news which they do not believe to be true but they themselves are so bias that they refuse to read anything that is not coming from their "bias" sources. 

We are heading for a fascist-type one world government (it is a repetition of what happened in Germany). In Germany the people only received GOVERNMENT propaganda and all else was not allowed.  The government captured all media.  Industry (Corporations) and government worked together..... What is happening now?  Anything the government or corporations do not want us to see, is removed.  This is because the corporations have captured the UN  with an agreement between UN and WEF 2 years ago (research it yourself). Most governments (193) are in lockstep with the UN due to Agenda 2030 agreement.  This is why there is such a unity in the propaganda going out (even in the fact-checking firms) from the media which is in lockstep with ALL these financial corporations.

When Germans heard no differing opinions and could only listen to the government ideology, one finds that the majority  eventually could perpetrate atrocities because the government started to disenfranchise certain groups of the community - exactly what we see happening now. It will become worse... first those who do not take the 'sleever', then believers in morality and then believers in god and the list goes on and on..... . 

So when compassion disappears and people follow ideological ideas their vision is blurred - and this can happen to Christians as well.  Most Christians are ready to grab their guns - we know what kind of news they listen to!

As JWs it is hard to keep balance because one can only learn some things from independent media and most of these have strong political bias as well.   One has to distance yourself from their ideas but it is not good to listen as one can be influenced.  I am starting to think - as I know what is going on in the world - I now must distance myself from everything and just watch it play out.

Arguing with people does not accomplish much and onlookers just think we are nuts - we should be gentle towards all.  This is something I will have to work on because in Africa - we say what we think.... so people can understand us clearly......  very different from USA where Ritalin is given to children who are outspoken, too active or even argue with a teacher....  

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15 hours ago, Arauna said:

I do not think you would be on this forum if you yourself strictly practiced this scripture. This is a forum where people give their opinions on everything. 

Does this mean, you as a Jehovah's witness draw strength from being part of this world? Please, don't compare yourself with my intentions. I have no intentions of being rude and obnoxious as apparently Jehovah Witnesses are here. I also don't find it necessary to be quarrelsome at every written statement. Likewise, I'll leave that up to people here. It appears people here are the only ones that can post without both sides being ruthless to a newcomer.

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1. They claim not to be prophets, yet they are prophesying. 

2. They claim not to be part of this world, yet they are.

3. Likewise, they claim to hold the word of God, yet they don't.

(Acts 7:60) 60 Then, kneeling down, he cried out with a strong voice: “Jehovah, do not charge this sin against them.” And after saying this, he fell asleep in death.

HOW great a blessing it would be for all spiritual Israelites to learn well this lesson; viz., that if we accept the results of any matter as being good, and if we realized that we were guided to those results by divine providence, we should think and feel most generously, most kindly, toward those who were the instruments used by providence, notwithstanding the fact that they might have been unwilling instructors, or, like Joseph's brethren, have verily intended opposite results. Those who are enabled to take such a view of affairs and forces operating in their daily lives are enabled "always to triumph through the Lord," as the apostle expresses it. And such find no room for bitterness or railing, either against Satan or against any of his servants.

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11 hours ago, Dmitar said:

you as a Jehovah's witness draw strength from being part of this worl

Are you accusing me to be part of this world merely because I have an understanding of what is going on in this world?  You do not know anything about me. My strength comes from knowing that Jehovah is going to intervene and this Tower of Babel they are building will tumble down when they call for "peace and security" and turn against all religion.  Their new financial system will crumble. I pray to be alive when this happens because Jehovah will be vindicated!  If not-  I will find out what happened when I get a resurrection.... but before I die I have a pretty good inclination of what to expect.

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6 hours ago, Dmitar said:

no room for bitterness or railing, either against Satan or against any of his servants.

I have had no bitterness or railing against the wicked - I just see what is going on. When family members die because they obeyed - then I do have some anger but I accept this is totally Satan's world. I have always had an interest in world history and the genocides which took place before. I see what is awaiting us..... but I do not participate in any politics and I have warned unbelievers which I preach to - to not participate in any activity against the government because Jehovah will soon  sort this out.   

I do not like to pretend to be pious or holy for show to my fellow man. However, I do take note of what you are saying.  I am firmly with my feet on the ground....  so far everything I have said has come true... because I have been on this forum much longer than you.   I do not pretend to see in the future but shrewdness (due to my knowledge of history), has indicated to me where we are heading.

Can you explain the lockdowns in Australia and the imprisonment of people who have just been in contact with people for a few seconds who later proved to be positive?  When the German chancellor Ursula van der Leide says that the Nuremburg Code must be abolished - does that tell you anything?  It tells me that the worst government ever on earth is about to take over the planet and that the human suffering will be worse than we imagined.

We really will need Jehovah to step in!  My background is different to yours..... so I do not judge you for not wanting to know what is going on around you.  The work I did early in my life has influenced me to want to look what is going on around me.

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11 hours ago, Arauna said:

Can you explain the lockdowns in Australia and the imprisonment of people who have just been in contact with people for a few seconds who later proved to be positive?  When the German chancellor Ursula van der Leide says that the Nuremburg Code must be abolished - does that tell you anything?  It tells me that the worst government ever on earth is about to take over the planet and that the human suffering will be worse than we imagined.

Can you explain, why worldly matters should be a grave concern to a Christian? Did Jesus and the Apostles advocate against Rome for their treatment of their people? Do, you believe it was Christians that burned Rome by the words of Nero? Can you give me an example where Jesus spoke about politics as a topic?

Isn't your statement as a Jehovah's Witness the very definition of being part of this world. You have just answered your own question.

Once again, don’t compare your personal behavior as a Jehovah’s Witness with my intention here. I’m not the one being pretentious.

I find no benefit in being quarrelsome as you wish me to be.

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3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Can you explain, why worldly matters should be a grave concern to a Christian? Did

Yes, how will you know when the UN is propagating peace and security...more than before...... or how will you know the UN has called out that all religion is now cancelled....... unless you watch out what the UN is doing.  This is how I know about all the UN agreements.  I found out yesterday about another 2005 UN World Health agreement which most nations signed.... I still have to search for more information to be sure...... but this is how I know what is going on and I can warn those who care to know.  Each of us has a different gift or interest. 

How did Paul know about this? Titus 1: "A certain one of them, their own prophet, said: “Creʹtans are always liars, injurious wild beasts, idle gluttons.” he goes on to say this witness us true! and these brothers must be corrected.

15:  "  15 All things are clean to clean people; but to those who are defiled and faithless, nothing is clean, for both their minds and their consciences are defiled."

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16 hours ago, Arauna said:

  When the German chancellor Ursula van der Leide says that the Nuremburg Code must be abolished - does that tell you anything?  It tells me that the worst government ever on earth is about to take over the planet and that the human suffering will be worse than we imagined.

5 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Can you explain, why worldly matters should be a grave concern to a Christian?

It appears that non-agenda driven reading comprehension is NOT one of Dmitar's primary attributes.

After all ... World War II the Holocaust was just a minor inconvenience that irritated some dissatisfied Jews.

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( ... satire alert, for the clueless ...)

... and besides ... because of World War II the knowledge gained about radiation has saved more lives since then in medical treatments than all the life lost in the war, on all sides.

.... It has been 75 years since August 6, 1945.

( ... that is NOT satire ... for the historically challenged.)


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