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Do Jehovahs Witnesses shun Child Victims of Sexual Abuse


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The EASIEST way to "quit", is quit coming here.. just stop .. anyone that quits will be like the hole left in a bucket of water when you pull your hand out..

This is an open forum clearly labeled as being an "Arena of Ideas" ... and sometimes the sand runs red with the blood and gore of bad ideas, and even the winners of the thought experiments get seriously bloodied.... this is the way it SHOULD be among adults.

Political correctness is what in a previous generation used to be called craven cowardice.

My Dad, whose "real religion" was the United States Navy, once told me in lamentation that in the "old days", ships were made of wood, and the men were made of steel ... but today, the ships are made of steel, and the men are made of wood.

Iron sharpens iron, but you WILL get "bloodied" and sometimes have skin torn off ... but if you want a knife edge intellect, and comprehensive discernment, and STRENGTH ... that is the price that the Universe demands. 

There is NO OTHER WAY.

Iron sharpens iron ... soft soap sharpens NOTHING ... and those who ALLOW their feelings to be hurt by words universally become "Snowflakes", who are melted at the slightest friction.

Like the Eagles sang about standing on a corner, in Winslow, Arizona ( .. what a fine sight to see ... ) ... don't let the sounds of your own wheels .. drive you CRAZY.



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Risking accusations of semantic quibbling, I have to say that disassociation is just not the same as non-association (or formerly associated). The term disassociate, or more commonly, dissociate,

On the 10th of this month, the Australia Royal Commission held Case 54 which was a review of the responses of Jehovah’s Witnesses to the Commission’s findings.  The representatives from the Australia

Yeah ... I also caught those lies ...  I am particularly sensitive to such things .. because as a JW Newbie, over a half century ago ... I did the very same thing ... to my everlasting shame. .

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11 hours ago, Eoin Joyce said:

Personally, I welcome the opportunity to share in a forum like this because, among other things, it trains thinking ability, enables me to test the soundness of a view, and to adjust when an error, weakness, or ambiguity is exposed. Surely that is one of the lessons contained in Proverbs 12:17: "The first to state his case seems right, until the other party comes and cross-examines him".

I for one share your view, but there are some who don't, and then what could have been a worthwhile discussion, whereby those who participate offer their opinion without judging the other persons opinion and mutually come to some beneficial conclusion, turns into a one sided lecture and/or ad hominem attack which basically grinds everything to a halt. If everyone did that there would be no point of a discussion forum.

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13 hours ago, Nicola said:

Anna I am writing stuff in defense of the society,  I did not say that we shouldn't be discussing this although I do think it was unfortunate someone started the discussion, I am merely defending the governing body! 

Please re- read what I said about the Governing Body, I never said they NEED  to wear "big boys pants" (I blame @TrueTomHarley, his style of writing rubs off on me sometimes :D all I could think of was a metaphor) I said they already DO, therefor they don't need someone like you, (or anyone for that matter) to defend anything, since you yourself do not have the complete facts either. They are competent and capable of caring for things such as these and have been since Russell's time. When you came on here you asked someone to briefly explain what the Royal commission was about. I sent you a link, to which you replied that you would rather read the Bible than read through all that stuff. So I read through all that stuff for you, sacrificing my time reading the Bible, so that you wouldn't have to. It is true, maybe I should not have underlined those parts, I should have left you to form your own conclusions instead of letting you know what I thought were important points. Otherwise I am not aware of anything that I said which should make you feel you had to defend the society. Perhaps you too misunderstood what I said. One of the beneficial things I learned on here is to really try and READ carefully what other people have written, and try and get the sense of it. It seems we both missed the sense of what the other one was trying to say.

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Hi Nicola, you've made too many assumptions and hence drawn some conclusions based or some poor assumptions. It may be an age related issue, but I have no intention of discussing anything further with you, as it would just end up in an argument. Thank you for your attempt, good day to you...

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On 5/7/2017 at 2:41 AM, Nicola said:

Anna I am writing stuff in defense of the society,...I have the right to stand up for the society against murmuring!  

 It is of interest that the very arguments that the anti-cultist apostates from the Russian Ministry of Injustice say about "disfellowshipping"  and "some" here on this forum about those having "total control"  are EXACTLY the same arguments Korah brought up in Numbers Cp. 16. Like those taking the lead in Jehovah's Organization are "tyrannical". Korah said  "Now do you also want to make yourself an absolute ruler over us? as well as "Why, then, should you exalt yourselves above the congregation of Jehovah?  Num 16. Those were the words the REBELS said not the loyal ones!  Jehovah says showing such disrespect to his imperfect human reps such as Moses and Aaron was showing disrespect to Him. And we know what happened.

  Moses and Aaron stood up against disloyal ones as well so don't feel bad about it or even feel the need to argue with them. Jesus said it bluntly when he said :" “Do not give what is holy to dogs nor throw your pearls before swine,  so that they may never trample them under their feet and turn around and rip you open". Matt. 7:6.

  A forum is like a high school cafeteria where different tables discuss different things and sometimes it is necessary to change tables to the nerdy ones before a food fight entails.

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Anna I received a personal message from someone who told me that he agreed with what I was saying here, that brothers and sisters were not supposed to be congregating on the internet being openly critical of the society and the way they handle things, this site can be observed by anyone!  And people claiming to be JWs are saying they don't believe in disfellowshipping!  The person agreed that this is an unhealthy environment, said they mostly stayed away, just checked in occasionally and directed me to a better site!  I am not bossy, but when I see some things that are clearly in conflict with what I learn at the Kingdom Hall, then I have a right to point it out, in fact it is good to have enough courage to say something!  I am only spending time online because I had foot surgery and recovering, thought if there were some answers I could give unbelievers about the truth, I would!  But I know for a fact that we are not encouraged to go online and critique our organization and fraternize with apostates!  A JW actually scolded me for pointing out that the supposed brothers shouldn't be saying we are wrong for disfellowshipping, and said that was "judgmental" of me, but the mature brother messaged me to say he agreed!  The choice is yours if you want to hang out online to dissect the organization, or if you want to attend meetings, go door to door, do personal study?  You know what you should be doing

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Anna, I asked if someone could sum it up for me, then you sent a link which was very long, but then you said you would sum it up the next day!  But then I did read some of it and made that clear and commented on it already, so you didn't really need to reply!  The only reason I had any curiosity is because I would like to be able to answer people if they bring that subject up to me, I don't want to try critique our brothers!  I also thought that was very rude that you called me bossy!  Fortunately, I was defended by some people on here, with personal messages

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18 hours ago, Nicola said:

Anna I received a personal message from someone who told me that he agreed with what I was saying here

Well good for you! :) I am happy for you, you obviously feel you need a support group. On the other hand, I know my intentions, Jehovah knows my intentions, and that is all that ultimately really matters to me.  I am happily married, with a lovely family, in a lovely congregation, with great friends and wonderful elders so I really don’t give two hoots about what anyone on here thinks of me. It’s not important. However, I do regret when one cannot have a decent discussion because of self-righteous attitudes like yours. You muscled your way in here like a vigilante, with your sleeves rolled up ready to set everyone straight with your opinions as if we didn’t know half as much as you did. I really didn’t think this was the purpose of this forum, but the @The Librarian might prove me wrong

18 hours ago, Nicola said:

Anna, I asked if someone could sum it up for me, then you sent a link which was very long, but then you said you would sum it up the next day! 

Actually this was the other way around, you never asked for a summary initially, this is what you said: " I am a Jehovah's Witnesses and what exactly is the Australian Commission saying that the JWs did wrong in handling of sexual abuse cases?  I only want answers from other JWs, not from haters of us!" Then, I sent the relevant link, (to the Australian Commission) to which you replied: "Anna I am not going to read that whole thing, I would rather spend my time reading the Bible!  Can anyone sum it up?" That is when I said I would sum it up for you the next day

18 hours ago, Nicola said:

But then I did read some of it and made that clear and commented on it already, so you didn't really need to reply! 

You are right, I didn't need to reply, (and now wish I hadn't) but I wanted to honor my word. Plus, I was aware that you wanted to be informed so that if someone confronted you with this problem you would be able to give an informed reply. You see, I had listened to the whole hearing when it was streamed live a couple of years ago, and I had read all the transcripts from the summary of the Royal Commission, the statement of GB member Geoffrey Jackson, submissions on behalf of the WT etc. etc. so I figured I was the right person, however, I should have just directed you to your congregation elders as they also know about these things, and they would have been in a better position to talk to you face to face and answer your concerns. I realized this after you started going on and on and I had already been there where you are now a few years ago, and had discussed this ad nauseam on this and another forum, and I was tired......and am tired, especially when I read judgemental rhetoric by self- important people who seem to think that without them, no one would know their ABC's.

Oh and......

18 hours ago, Nicola said:

in fact it is good to have enough courage to say something!

pat yourself on the back dear, it takes much courage for some to set people straight on a discussion forum :)

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You will have to give Nicola some slack ... although 50 years old, she is still very young, and has not learned how hard it is, or why you HAVE to do homework, or that the Bible does not have a theme, thread, chapter or verse on motorcycle maintenance.

.I would pat myself on the back for that inspired philosophical gem, but I would need both elbows on the same arm, and with the other arm, point it out.


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5 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


You will have to give Nicola some slack ... although 50 years old, she is still very young, and has not learned how hard it is, or why you HAVE to do homework, or that the Bible does not have a theme, thread, chapter or verse on motorcycle maintenance.



Hey! How old do you think I am, 90? xD

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