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Norwegian court: Disfellowshipping was against the law

Jack Ryan

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Silly me, I forgot you jw's believe children are committing fornication when they are molested.

Wouldn't be the first time a jw woman got disfellowshipped for being raped.

A Norwegian JW woman, who was sexually abused, was disfellowshipped for fornication. The woman first appealed inside the organization - without success. Feeling injustice, she then decided to sue Jeho

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13 hours ago, Arauna said:

Playing games?  It does not hide the hate-OCD.

You are the one that is playing games, just as you have been trained by your leaders. They too accuse people of things just to hide their own sins. You use this silly OCD excuse because you are frightened to answer simple questions. If only you knew how sad it makes you look. 

But I'll say again You do not know the difference between serving Almighty God through Christ, or, serving your GB and it's Org. When the GB are gone it will be such a shock to you. 

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16 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

But it is possible that such decisions of the JW elders also happen.

True - and they will only come to this conclusion when evidence seem to point on this direction. When a person afterwards takes them to court do you think that person had the right heart condition ? Were they sinning and then avoided the consequences of their pattern of deceit?  Not repenting for what they were involved with?

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6 hours ago, César Chávez said:

This was the same scheme used in Canada

Article quote:

A new Supreme Court ruling that Jehovah’s Witnesses are free to banish and shun any member they wish, regardless of how they decide to do it, offers a powerful precedent for religious independence in Canada.

I would like to direct your attention how Court in Canada confirmed what WT lawyer David Gnam in UK tried to hide: JW's shun any member they wish. WT lawyer claimed before Court how: Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t use the word “shun” or “shunning”.   But this Court in Canada told The Truth, JW's not only using word shun, but have all rights to practice shunning over members (or ex members) they wish. - 

WTJWorg are so satisfied to use double measures in various court cases, and have no problem about own hypocrisy. Shameful! 

Article continue:

The top court’s decision rejects that view, bluntly refers to his “sinful” behaviour, and says it has no business making legal decisions about it. At issue were two episodes of drunkenness, one in which Wall “verbally abused” his wife, for which he was not “sufficiently repentant,” according to court records.

I don't clearly see how two episodes of drunkenness, one in which Wall “verbally abused” his wife is not something that can be  interesting to police or social  service or some other civil service in state. Drunkenness and abusing other people is something that is punishable in most countries. In his case somebody reported him to JW elders and not to secular authority for his "sinful behavior". If JW church have right, according to Canadian Supreme Court, to make decisions how they will "punish" "sinful behavior" of member, what is that different when some other church doing same according to their "religious beliefs", because as article say: But the Supreme Court has now said once and for all that the courts ought not to interfere in religious discipline.

Well, what is this different to "religious discipline", for example, to cut hand of thief or to stone adulteress because of  their "sin" -The top court’s decision rejects that view, bluntly refers to his “sinful” behaviour, and says it has no business making legal decisions about it. 

But all "civilized world" looks with disapproval when this sort of punishment is common practice in some societies. :))

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57 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

Well, that's the prosecutor's perspective isn't it.

Sorry, i am not follow you. Prosecutor's perspective? I made quotes from article that described Court ruling, decisions and explanations, and nothing from prosecutor or his perspective. WT lawyer who defended Organization made "perspectives" and Court made "perspectives". 

1 hour ago, César Chávez said:

They are supposed to undermine the truth, when they don't understand scripture law.

With or without understanding, WT lawyers often undermine the truth. 

1 hour ago, César Chávez said:

Then you question the Watchtower bylaws as though they should be run like a government. Where in scripture can you "prove" such a notion?

With or without scripture. With or without WT published material as "prove", WT Society want to act as theocratic state inside secular state. One popular Bible verse for that, for sure is, when 1st century followers were advised and recommended to go to elder's court of justice and not to secular courts, for their rights or because of lawsuits against fellow Christians. According to WT doctrines and policies, all elders are "equipped" to deal with all and every situation that can happen in "spiritual paradise" aka Organization aka JW Congregation. They formed "Judicial Committees" and other elder's bodies to fulfill various tasks in such process and proceeding. The existence of a "keepers"-brothers who monitoring (don't know English terminology in JW congregation, servant service, stewards or so) at meetings and congresses speaks of such a similarity too. Similarity is visible. 

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6 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Incorrect again, secular law wants to treat the Watchtower as a regular corporation just like you, former witnesses. That isn't going to happen, while God continues to be the instrument of our faith.

Regular or not, WT and other sister companies under GB directive are mix of many various entities in various forms of existence: IT company, Building company, Charity, Educational system, Religion, Civil participant for human and religious (political) rights in secular bodies, Financial company for collecting and multiplying money, and perhaps more.

Yes, WT is specific formation with "Priests and Kings" who wish and hope to take rulership over the Earth aka power over humankind. 

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