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Hundreds of child abuse payments held up


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Institutions such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Presbyterian Church and the Disability Trust have not signed up to the national redress scheme, delaying compensation for child abuse survivors.

While some institutions, such as the Brisbane Boys' College and the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, have flagged their intention to join the scheme, others have not.

The government has publicly named and shamed the groups singled out in the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that have not signed up to the redress scheme.

There are expected to be more unnamed institutions where abuse occurred.

Ten per cent of applications lodged by survivors - about 700 - have been put on hold because the organisations responsible for their abuse have not joined.

"It is a lot but some of those are in the process of signing up," Social Services Minister Anne Ruston told ABC radio on Tuesday.

Institutions have until June 30 to join the redress scheme, which was launched two years ago.

While some organisations responsible for abuse no longer exist, others claim they do not have the financial capacity to compensate their victims.

Read more: https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/6636102/hundreds-of-child-abuse-payments-held-up/?cs=14231


Some institutions are still signing up to the redress scheme, Minister Anne Ruston says.

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In virtually every case except Jehovah’s Witnesses the ones committing the abuse were the ones holding authority or office within the institution With Jehovah’s Witnesses, that is rarely the case

You play the same old record but you have no proof at all.  Tom you do not know who has or is committing the abuse in JW Org.  1. Because it is hidden in congregations around the Earth

Actually there is proof. ALL cases in Australia were submitted to the Australian Royal Commission. I have a copy of the file on my pc. When I get the time I will post it. You can peruse it at your lea

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In virtually every case except Jehovah’s Witnesses the ones committing the abuse were the ones holding authority or office within the institution

With Jehovah’s Witnesses, that is rarely the case. Their organization is being asked to assume responsibility for any of their members who have ever committed the crime.

It is not exactly apples to apples.


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i am receiving newsletter about this issue, and as we see JWorg has no intention to join.



Institutions named in the Royal Commission that have not yet joined the Scheme* Intending to join Date expecting to join (calendar year)
Hunter Aboriginal Children’s Services (HACS)    
Interchange Shoalhaven    
Jehovah’s Witnesses    
Presbyterian Church NSW & ACT Intending to join First quarter of 2020
Presbyterian Church TAS    
Presbyterian Church VIC Intending to join First quarter of 2020
Presbyterian Church WA    
RG Dance Pty Ltd    
Satyanada Yoga Ashram    
Seventh-Day Adventist Intending to join First quarter of 2020
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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

In virtually every case except Jehovah’s Witnesses the ones committing the abuse were the ones holding authority or office within the institution

With Jehovah’s Witnesses, that is rarely the case. Their organization is being asked to assume responsibility for any of their members who have ever committed the crime.

It is not exactly apples to apples.


You play the same old record but you have no proof at all. 

Tom you do not know who has or is committing the abuse in JW Org. 

1. Because it is hidden in congregations around the Earth

2. Because the GB / Lawyers are still hiding that 23 year American JW Database. 

So how can you know Tom ?

You just make it up as you go along, and most times it's just to promote your own books. 

Very selfish Tom. 


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12 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

You play the same old record but you have no proof at all. 

Tom you do not know who has or is committing the abuse in JW Org. 

1. Because it is hidden in congregations around the Earth

2. Because the GB / Lawyers are still hiding that 23 year American JW Database. 

So how can you know Tom ?

You just make it up as you go along, and most times it's just to promote your own books. 

Very selfish Tom. 


Actually there is proof. ALL cases in Australia were submitted to the Australian Royal Commission. I have a copy of the file on my pc. When I get the time I will post it. You can peruse it at your leasure and see that the majority of abuses were not committed by elders. There is no reason to believe it would be any different in the other countries....

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5 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Every Organization has its day in court. The ARC was not a criminal court but a court to gather information on how to best serve the public about that issue.

... and they have rendered a comprehensive judgment, which is being fought, tooth-and-nail.

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As a side note: it seems the issue here is the American database. We are under NO obligation to hand over this database to lawyers, and if for some reason Lawyers do get a hold of them, then they are forbidden to make them public. By law, they have to keep all such documentation strictly confidential. However, if something like the Australian commission was set up here (USA), then perhaps a nameless database would be made public, just like in Australia. But the lawyers aren't interested in that kind of a database, they are interested in names of perpetrators so they can encourage survivors to file lawsuits against the organization and then rake in the cash. Like this they have to rely on survivors coming forward and filing a lawsuit. Most JW survivors are not interested in filing lawsuits against the organization because they see it's obvious the organization cannot be held responsible for every Tom, Dick, and Harry perpetrator (or those mishandling the case).  In contrast, many ex-JW survivors want to sue the organization because they hate it and want to see it "burn".

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20 minutes ago, Anna said:

Proof that the majority of cases involves "parishioners" being the perpetrators, not those in leadership positions.

Apologize, just want to little tease you :))

Leadership position? But JW members would say: We don't have human leaders, because our Leader is One, Jesus. :)) If JWorg has no leaders than no single leadership position is available for any of member. 

Elders and other in this WTJWorg nomenclature are in same "level" with rank-and file members, because "you are all brothers" :)) 

In such perspective, looking on whole Organization as Union, as United Brotherhood where all are equal before God, every other "worldly" or "false religion" standard is useless for emphasis .... especially for internal, congregational conversation and for this Forum too. 

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3 hours ago, Anna said:

Proof that the majority of cases involves "parishioners" being the perpetrators, not those in leadership positions.

I believe this is true, although I'm not sure what it proves. It seems that only just over 10 percent of the abusers in that list were Elders or MS. (Taken only from two samplings of 200 near the front and 200 near the end.) With Witnesses, even parishioners have a "title" or "role" in the congregation.

In the majority of reports from other religious organizations it is usually those in leadership positions or persons with "titles" of some kind, teachers in religious schools, etc. But this has not always been true. Some other religious organizations have given reports that included parishioners in their lists of abusers.

Also, a review of newspaper articles about individual criminals associated with JWs more often go for the story where an elder or MS is the abuser.

But there are still a couple of potential problems with the lists. One is that the question is often about whether the abuser was in the role of Elder or MS at the time of the first abuse. I noticed a case on the very first page where the answer was only a Parishioner, yet that same person was also removed from their position as Elder or MS. (Also there are cases where the person was an Elder and not removed.) When cases take a long time to process or be reported, or there were multiple cases of abuse, the abuser might very well continue to progress to MS or Elder until the abuse is reported or made known.

Also, I hope this one is much less likely, but when the abuse is first "reported" it is not yet (or sometimes ever) technically considered an actual case of abuse, only an accusation. This leaves time to remove the elder or MS from his position, as he should be 'free from accusation.' This removal can even happen without a committee, just based on the suggestion to the accused 'until things are cleared up.' So when an accusation is finally taken seriously enough to treat as a real case of abuse, this might be based on the fact that a previous accusation was not taken seriously and now it must be.

Therefore the "first" case of abuse can be timed to the "second" accusation, after the precaution was taken of removing the elder or MS from his position. I know of a physical abuse case that was handled this way. And in another case (not abuse) I know my father was involved as one of two elders rushing to get a generally inactive Witness disfellowshipped to reduce any embarrassment on the congregation before the incident hit the papers.

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Quote Anna " it seems the issue here is the American database. We are under NO obligation to hand over this database to lawyers, and if for some reason Lawyers do get a hold of them, then they are forbidden to make them public."

Oh dear, the physical man verses the spiritual man or woman. 

Have you no idea what Jesus said about anything ?

I'm not at all interested in the legal obligation. I'm interested in the spiritual things.

What would Jesus want the GB to do, if you really think the JW Org belongs to God through Christ.  ?

ANNA burbles on about what the 'lawyers' want, but she forgets about what the GB Lawyers are doing and what they want.

Quote "Most JW survivors are not interested in filing lawsuits.." 

JW's are told what to do and what not to do. There is a threat of retaliation by shunning or being disfellowshipped under false accusation. JWs are told to hide their feelings and 'leave it to Jehovah'.

Quote Anna "In contrast, many ex-JW survivors want to sue the organization because they hate it and want to see it "burn".

That's a Tom Harley line right there.  I think you are taking lessons from Elder Tom. 

The truth is ex-JWs are not restricted by threats from the Elders of the congregation, they have found a relative 'freedom' outside the JW Org.  So they have a more balanced viewpoint. But hard core JWs such as TTH and yourself do not want to see it that way. 

If they have a hate, it would probably be toward the paedophile that abused them and the Elders that hid the paedophile in the congregation. And it might possibly be that it was an Elder that was the paedophile. And, it might be that the paedophile abused more than one person because the Elders did nothing to prevent it. But then if the Elders were acting upon instruction from HQ then HQ would be to blame. 

As for the JW Org burning, it is already. It's burning slowly, but John Butler got d/fed from this forum for saying more, so I will stop here. 





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2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I believe this is true, although I'm not sure what it proves. It seems that only just over 10 percent of the abusers in that list were Elders or MS. (Taken only from two samplings of 200 near the front and 200 near the end.) With Witnesses, even parishioners have a "title" or "role" in the congregation.

My post was mainly in response to 4jah, who was questioning what TTH said:

On 2/18/2020 at 9:51 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

In virtually every case except Jehovah’s Witnesses the ones committing the abuse were the ones holding authority or office within the institution

With Jehovah’s Witnesses, that is rarely the case. Their organization is being asked to assume responsibility for any of their members who have ever committed the crime.

It is not exactly apples to apples.

From 4jah's previous comments elsewhere he implies that the majority of the abuse is committed by elders.


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