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I'm worried about a 'brother' recently reinstated spending too much time with my grandchildren


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2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

I don't know, but I'd need more info on him like his previous address I think. His name is quite basic so could be many men with the same name. I don't know his age either other than my wife says he's old and looks around 60. 

If you are still planning to "go to war", you will need more resolve, grit, and ACTION. 

Make some guesses and follow up until they fall apart, or are verified.

COMPILE information.

To do that, first you have TO GO GET IT.

Perhaps your wife will (because of your circumstances ..) will have to make the phone calls.


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@BillyTheKid46 Quote  " The irony, you attack the GB when your heart in no better than the soulless being you present, not just here but elsewhere. " The difference being that i don't pretend to

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27 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Stop being so American James, not everyone on this planet Earth wants 'to go to war'. 

It's about being as cautious as serpents I thought  :) Not being a rogue elephant. 

... that's why Americans, with their bodies and their blood, with fire and steel, had to save your English butts TWICE, from the Germans.

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1 minute ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Why not ask James for his scoped firearm and stand watch on the doorstep 24/7 to satisfy your insanity. Then it won’t be hearsay gossip, it will become delusion of grandeur.

.... my scoped rifle is a back-packable breakdown .22 caliber, with a range of about 200 yards.

YOURS is a scoped .50 calibre sniper rifle, capable of shooting 4 miles, and with an effective range of about 3/4 of a mile.

..... reminds me of two Brothers with the same names, on an Ohio bridge, peeing into the river below.

JTR: "Wow, that water is really cold!"

BTK: "Yeah, and deep, too!"


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15 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Since you think everyone at the Org is a potential pedophile, what does it matter, what your opinion is about someone still in the Org. To you, they are all guilty. That would include Anna, Comfortmypeople, Melinda, Outta here, James, JWinsider, BTK, TTH, by association for being part of the Org in your corrupt view.

Yet, its funny how some within agree with opposers.

You seem to forget however, with the word “IF” that seems to act as an oxymoron on how you view things.

Why not ask James for his scoped firearm and stand watch on the doorstep 24/7 to satisfy your insanity. Then it won’t be hearsay gossip, it will become delusion of grandeur.

Maybe you can invite James when you start to drool and fall asleep, why be the only lunatic there.



Quote BTK " Since you think everyone at the Org is a potential pedophile..."

I think everyone on this Earth has the potential to be a pedophile or a murderer, or a thief and much more. 

I think the Elders that hide the pedophiles are just as guilty as the pedophiles themselves. 

I think the GB / directors / bosses / Lawyers of W/t & JW Org are just as guilty for creating the mechanisms for hiding pedophiles in the W/t and JW Org. 

I think that anyone inside or outside the W/t & JW Org that hides pedophiles or hides information about pedophiles in the W/t & JW Org, are just as guilty of the Child Sexual Abuse in those organisations. 

And I've said on this blog many times I TRUST NO HUMAN. I would put more trust in animals. 

Quote BTK "Yet, its funny how some within agree with opposers."

Billy I'm sure you know that a lot of people are only in those crap organisations (W/t & JW Org) because they have too much to lose, materially, emotionally, mentally.  They have families, 'friends', businesses, status, position, pride, and much more, and it would all come tumbling down if they had the guts to leave the Org / W/t. 

Do you really think there are 8.5 million servants of JW Org ? Dream on Billy. There may be 8.5 million in that 'club' physically but they are not all in it spiritually.  If you go on 'other' websites you will know that. 

Many witnesses openly admit that they are physically in / mentally-spiritually out. Well I suppose it's a good way to stay up to date with the latest lies from the GB. 

But you and James seem so violent in your minds and your words... 

I do not have to kill anyone to protect my grandchildren. :)  I do have some mental balance, though I don't know why. 

A person does not have to go to war to see violence and perversion and emotional destruction. Many people including myself have seen and felt enough of it. That's why i don't want to see it happen to innocent children. 

But the GB / W/t / JW Org / Elders, do not care enough yet. 

And I do wonder by your comments BTK, if you are a p................................ 

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40 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

How dense is this comment since you are married to one. 😂

But like James mentioned elsewhere, don't insult the animals, they have enough problems with humans as it is.

Yes Billy I'm married to one, but I don't trust her and she knows that. 

The children know that I don't trust them either. 

i once wrote on my FB page :-

Which is worse : Love based on lies, or, Hate based on truth. 

You see Billy i am not you. I do not think like you. I do not act like you. I do not have the feelings / emotions like you. 

When you and others, begin to see other people, as OTHER people, not as people like you, then you and others may just start to begin to understand that not all of us live by the same rules.

You are trying to tell me I trust my wife because I'm married to her. Wrong. The trust died many years ago. 

I have no love for anyone, no trust in anyone. It does not mean that I hate people, it simply means I have no feelings for  them. 

I demand nothing, I expect nothing, therefore i no longer get disappointed by anyone. 



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5 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

that's why Americans, with their bodies and their blood, with fire and steel, had to save your English butts TWICE, from the Germans.

@JOHN BUTLER, for all his nuttiness, is not a warlike person and does not follow war commentaries. 

If he did, he might point to the widely held British view that, with good guys and bad guys apparent from Day 1, the Americans hid their bodies and blood, cowered behind their fire and steel, allowed the Brits to be slaughtered wholesale, and only then, when they saw that it would not be enough, did they deign to lift a finger.

In both wars, supplying armaments to the Brits, though being too chicken to do anything more, they eventually drew attacks from the enemy determined to stop the flow, and only then did they reluctantly conclude that they could no longer let Britain do all the bloodletting.

If you are going to go Captain America on all of us here, you should at least modify your chest-thumping with these observations.

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3 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:
5 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

my scoped rifle is a back-packable breakdown .22 caliber, with a range of about 200 yards.

I believe we settled that my arms are NOT for self defense. I believe you mention that for yourself. I fear no man even unto death as you coward behind your weapon.

I will have to belatedly agree with you BTK ... a scoped 50 caliber sniper rifle, as you have admitting owning, but reticent to relate how you acquired it, is NOT a defensive weapon, except in warfare.

  It is obviously, to everyone who knows about such things, an OFFENSIVE weapon for preemptive strikes.

This claim of yours is new (please show evidence if I am wrong ...).

Here is the clincher: How often do you hunt game with your sniper rifle, and what have you bagged. If you do not have a truthful answer, you are living in a fantasy world of your own manufacture.



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