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Jehovah's Witnesses 'failed to act' over sex abuse claims


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On 9/6/2021 at 5:48 AM, ApostaBabe Linda James said:

Thank you for letting me kow this. I had no idea that this was happening.

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Child sex abuse laws differ in various parts concerning law, as is with reporting such abuse. This also goes hand in hand with some being educated on how to combat child abuse, be it a JW in their community or not, even in a social space. For all communities, even among EXJWs there are abusers as is with those who defend it. In the JW case it has been somewhat reduced because none of them went back to their churches. At the same time, there is no law that prevents institutions from doing their own internal investigations, if need be, this counts for Religious faiths.

Aside from reporting, education concerning child abuse is vital, especially now because child abuse has increased among open institutions by huge percentage, even more because of the situation with Apple, YouTube, Facebook, and other media, even Reddit, detection of abuse, even by platform is more tricky. Speaking of Reddit there is a couple of subreddits there that are questionable, however one that is often excluded are those with pedophilia disorders who only seclude that space.

On the other side of the spectrum, there is hidden child abuse, something of which is done by those of a higher status, making them effectively immune to law and or justice. One of the reasons many of us were adamant of an infamous abuser and trafficker being dealt with, but of course, those of power killed said person off before we could find out more. Aside from that, householders brining their child into sex abuse is problematic, us Truthers call this selling your child(ren).

Child abuse is also more prominent among the US and the UK, however, more of a problem in the UK as statistics show, even older data. Some abusers even avoiding being added to the registry.

That being said, some weeks ago, we shut down a pedophile who was on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Apparently because of his status, he was allowed back on the platform, only to commit to the same acts again. His approach was a very common one, of which I will keep that redacted. The Sophie situation is active again although we assumed there was a good outcoming to her situation. As is with just a few days ago, a woman was shut down due to attempting to sell off her child to sex abuse, in this case, child prostitutions, etc. the absence other than the situation with Australia, Afghan, etc.

The pandemic essential give such ones power, and at the same time, spawn more people to act out their pedophilia disorder on potential victims, something of which COVID-19 caused indirectly, as mentioned back in June 2020, which getting to a 1984 level will cause such.

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On 9/8/2021 at 8:32 AM, Space Merchant said:

Child abuse is also more prominent among the US and the UK, however, more of a problem in the UK as statistics show, even older data. Some abusers even avoiding being added to the registry.

You do love to aim it at the UK, But I do wonder if some places like India, Pakistan and surrounding areas, and Africa, have a much deeper problem with CSA that is not known about worldwide. 

Statistics can only show what is already known. There must be far more going on that is not known. 

We have some idea how women are treated in some of those countries, so why would they be nicer to children ? 

On 9/8/2021 at 8:32 AM, Space Merchant said:

In the JW case it has been somewhat reduced because none of them went back to their churches.

I don't know what this is supposed to mean as some Elders were allowed to continue for years in their position even though it was known that they were pedophiles. And some that were d/fed were then allowed back into the congregations. And how many more are still hiding in the JW org. 

What has happened to that massive 25 + years American Pedophile Database that the GB keep hidden and will not hand over to authorities ? The Australian records went back for 50 years. That was made clear at the ARC. BUT the GB say they only have 25 years of records. Why ? As the W/t / JW Org started in America they should have records of over 50 years. So what are the GB hiding ? And why would you be on their side ? 

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16 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

In the JW case it has been somewhat reduced because none of them went back to their churches

When you say, "none of them went back to their churches," are you speaking of the alleged perpetrators or the alleged victims as being the

➡ "none of them [that] went back to their churches?"

So the churches you are referring to would be the Kingdom Hall's, correct?



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On 9/9/2021 at 8:34 AM, ApostaBabe Linda James said:

When you say, "none of them went back to their churches," are you speaking of the alleged perpetrators or the alleged victims as being the

➡ "none of them [that] went back to their churches?"

So the churches you are referring to would be the Kingdom Hall's, correct?



A church is a place congregants go to take part in their religious service, similar to a mosque of which those of Islam goes to for worship. Although they refer to it as a Kingdom Hall, the root equates to what the people and the place of worship is; saying church is second nature to me.

When the pandemic began, most churches had to close down, including that of JWs. Child Abuse had reduced because all institutions where such take  place, both religious ones and educational ones were in subjection to lockdowns due to the pandemic.

There is however surge of child abuse initiated by the household by blood relatives, as is with child on child abuse, this excludes child prostitution because info on that is quite murky. Abuse in the household, most, in the pandemic were mixed, among the religious it is very less, going by some events from 2021 to now, actions commit by common folk. What amplifies this even more is the mantra of selling immortality, which can also encourage pedophiles.

JWs are effected by this, for they're not immune to it, no one is. They never went back to their place of worship, mainly in the States, and going by what the Kathgar mentioned no JWs went back to their churches since the lockdown started. Under new ruling should they open, it will be problematic for them.

That being said, we are in an Endemic now, the media will continue to lie to you that this is a pandemic. No one will really be going back to their institutions over time, if so, there will be a segregation, akin to, but a parallel to the separation of blacks and whites in the old days.

This puts JWs in an interesting spot because as pointed out before, Authoritarianism is tough enough to break people who are both unaware and not aware of it, even JWs. This will also open Pandora's Box, so to speak concerning child abuse, for should Authoritarianism correlate with people wanting to return to open institution at full force (open everything under new ruling), even complying to it, outside of segregation, child abuse will skyrocket.

Child abuse will easily become uncontrollable to a degree, as is the current situation engineered this. So the approached mentioned for years people would need to apply it.

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On 9/2/2021 at 10:56 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:


This is not just going to go away. It has to be dealt with. Hopefully the GB will be brought to account.

BUT I keep coming back with the question 'What has happened to the 25 year CSA / Pedophile database in the USA ?

And then what happened to the CSA situation in Canada ? 

Here in England it seems a lot of news from the USA is blocked, 'for legal reasons'. 




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On 9/2/2021 at 10:56 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:


This is not just going to go away. It has to be dealt with. Hopefully the GB will be brought to account.

BUT I keep coming back with the question 'What has happened to the 25 year CSA / Pedophile database in the USA ?

And then what happened to the CSA situation in Canada ? 

Here in England it seems a lot of news from the USA is blocked, 'for legal reasons'. 



I believe this was a case out of California, the society refused to hand over the data base. After the third order by the court the judge ruled contempt on the watchtower and fined them $4000.00 per day until they produced the data base. Maybe try Loyd Evans website?

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On 9/9/2021 at 6:08 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

You do love to aim it at the UK, But I do wonder if some places like India, Pakistan and surrounding areas, and Africa, have a much deeper problem with CSA that is not known about worldwide. 

They do, the only reason it is problematic in the UK because most of the time, even if reported it is dropped. Mainly when it comes to status. I am aware of CSA in the other countries, I was the one who also gave you insight a while back, hence the Congo; I said this to Tom as well

On 3/19/2018 at 3:31 AM, Space Merchant said:

now in regards to the United Kingdom, they will scream, rant and lose their minds on the problems the JWs are dealing with  child abuse on their end, but these same opponents will not bat an eye for the children affected by Rotherham Grooming Gang, the Haut de la Garenne, Newcastle sex rings, and a plethora of other groups and institutions with people of bad intent that have mingled among them without being noticed.

These people still run rampant in the UK, no harm to them at all. It is speculated by some Truthers in the UK that even those of political status are involved, reasons we target Prince Andrew and those like him.

On 9/9/2021 at 6:08 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Statistics can only show what is already known. There must be far more going on that is not known.

This is why whatever the media gives you, there is more to it. There are reasons why child abuse is always reported by media for various schools and churches, but never specific persons. Some are afraid to give insight because they fear death, it is that bad. CSA also goes into a deeper aspect to Spiritism in some parts of the UK.

On 9/9/2021 at 6:08 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

We have some idea how women are treated in some of those countries, so why would they be nicer to children ? 

I wasn't referring to women in this regard, I was talking about women who sell off their children, child prostitution. Sadly, some children do this willingly because they were taught that this was the correct thing to do, granted there is a level of child abuse whereas you can't do anything or even the law, hence in some cases you can end up in harm's way, mainly if not paying attention to red flags.

On 9/9/2021 at 6:08 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I don't know what this is supposed to mean as some Elders were allowed to continue for years in their position even though it was known that they were pedophiles. And some that were d/fed were then allowed back into the congregations. And how many more are still hiding in the JW org. 

Child abuse in the churches of JWs was always problematic because with all religious institutions, it is an open place for anyone to enter. Pedophiles can enter these places of worship and abusers can easily manipulate people and the children inside to gain religious office or a position. Should the person be found out to be an abuser in some cases, manipulation is amplified and the abuser can at times exploits the people around him or her to remain. JWs in this sense are hardwire by Scripture regarding Forgiveness of Sin, in fact, all Christians apply Forgiveness of Sin, therefore the abuser can find a crack in the faith's armor here (someone made a thread about this a while back). When exploited , abusers who hold even a position in the church, Elders or Pastors, if successful can be reinstated, pretending that they repented for their sins only to commit the same acts again, granted the others are already exploited it puts them in a loop, thus becoming a puppet to the abuser, resulting in more children becoming effect.

That being said, as long as abusers exploits forgiveness of sin after manipulating people, they can easily return to a religious institution, it is a bit different with educational institutions or that of business, for those reinstated, likewise with Facebook, YouTube, and others, in regards to YouTube, someone had been reinstated recently, got his channel back after some of us fought this guy in an attempt for him to be terminated.

That being said, granted no JW has went back to their churches since, abusers go by other means to seek children, even going to other institutions who complied to commit their acts.

On 9/9/2021 at 6:08 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

What has happened to that massive 25 + years American Pedophile Database that the GB keep hidden and will not hand over to authorities ?

Didn't you or Srecko said before it was destroyed?

That being said, institutions usually have records, in some cases, incomplete at times, mainly if some cases were alleged and may or may not have happened. In regards to the law such information should be accurate, and should it be released by them or the law, it has to be done in a way that it doesn't spawn vigilantes or modern day blood avengers, for there were many instances of this in the past. Even in the Law/Justice system they have records of their own members, if alleged they wouldn't be quick to bring forth in an unprepared manner.

On 9/9/2021 at 6:08 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

The Australian records went back for 50 years. That was made clear at the ARC.

We discussed about ARC, if I remember correctly JWs were at 1% compared to others. the highest was Catholics, however, not everyone takes ARC into full account, mainly the case studies, they tend to pick what they want to talk about and ignore the rest. One of the reasons why on study regarding JWs people barely talked about. You brought up ARC before.

That being said, Australia CSA is increasing like crazy due to what is taking place now, which, in this sense, makes ARC look small in comparison. the abuse stems from both sex and violence and suppression to the point a child can take his or her own life. That will eventually hit the UK and the US.

On 9/9/2021 at 6:08 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

BUT the GB say they only have 25 years of records. Why ?

Most records can be incomplete.

On 9/9/2021 at 6:08 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

As the W/t / JW Org started in America they should have records of over 50 years.

Because at the time Bible Students early on were unequipped and unaware of child abuse. Granted how early they started, CSA may not have been a problem among them granted all Christian faiths that came out of the Great Awakening or Christian revival  had good intentions at first.

On 9/9/2021 at 6:08 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

And why would you be on their side ? 

On their side in regards to what exactly? There churches are closed, so it is reduced. If I remember, I was the one who brought for solutions from child abuse prevention, but both you and Srecko shut it down and did not apply. Those solutions aided many people, even children I deal with. In another thread you were told what you are doing concerning CSA, some of us here take action, I even said this to you regarding the Redress.

My thread can be found in my quotation here, in order to save a child, you have to reach one:


That being said, better to take action then to armchair the situation. Reaching a child enables him or her to detect an abuser, likewise with an adult who can see red flags. Be it in an institution or online.

As for YouTube, the person we terminated from the platform is known as EDP445, YouTube assume he was repentful so they brought him back. There is another, whom, ironically, 3 ExJWs defended because the abuser was a woman, a call back to my FBI remark; women get off free by some, even by law in some cases.

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1 minute ago, Matthew9969 said:

I believe this was a case out of California, the society refused to hand over the data base. After the third order by the court the judge ruled contempt on the watchtower and fined them $4000.00 per day until they produced the data base. Maybe try Loyd Evans website?

This - https://revealnews.org/article/california-court-guts-child-abuse-ruling-against-jehovahs-witnesses/

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On 9/6/2021 at 4:30 PM, Pudgy said:

Others have commented on this before, but nowhere in the Bible, not even one time does Jehovah God prohibit or restrict cannibalism. That’s right ……. but if you’re already dead, presumably of war wounds. 

People are more important than worms and bugs.


Just make sure you drain the body of blood first, that is very biblically important.

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34 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:
On 9/9/2021 at 12:08 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

What has happened to that massive 25 + years American Pedophile Database that the GB keep hidden and will not hand over to authorities ?

Didn't you or Srecko said before it was destroyed?

I don't remember saying anything like that. But one course for elders (video can be found on YT) provided instructions for destroying private elders ’notes and destroying documentation that could compromise WTJWorg Corporation and other companies and allow lawsuits and damages for the JW Organization.

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