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Occult and mystic fabricators invented “Jehovah” and “Yahweh!”

Micah Ong

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5 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

preference for "Yahweh"

The guess name Jehovah is the same as the word “hovah”(Strongs 1943) in the first box to the left and means ruin or disaster. The guess name Yahvah is the same as the word “ahvah” (Strong’s 5753) in the second box on the left and means to do perversely. The guess names “Yahveh or Yahweh” are the same as the word “ahveh” (Strong’s 5773) in the third box on the left and means distorting, perverting! By adding a “J” or a “Y” to these these words and forming FALSE sacred names, the occult and mystic fabricators invented “Jehovah” and “Yahweh!”

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These guys have evidence to disprove your assertion:  

To  @The Librarian....  please  watch  the  2. short  video...  you  understand  it  better  -  THANK  YOU !   When  its  wrong,  I  better  remove  it....

@Nana Fofana thank you for the link.  I read as far as page 10, then read the final page. The bits that i can understand make sense  

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On 5/27/2017 at 9:29 AM, Micah Ong said:

The guess name Jehovah is the same as the word “hovah”(Strongs 1943) in the first box to the left and means ruin or disaster. The guess name Yahvah is the same as the word “ahvah” (StrongÂ’s 5753) in the second box on the left and means to do perversely. The guess names “Yahveh or Yahweh” are the same as the word “ahveh” (StrongÂ’s 5773) in the third box on the left and means distorting, perverting! By adding a “J” or a “Y” to these these words and forming FALSE sacred names, the occult and mystic fabricators invented “Jehovah” and “Yahweh!”


Oh boy, not these kinds of comments and posts again.

First, you need to identity what Strong's are you using, seeing we are talking about God's name, it is evident the target Strong's is Hebrew.

Also you are breaking apart the name, for all together the very name means to exist, to cause to exist and or I become (I am that I am), etc.

That is like taking apart the word/name of others and using the meaning of said separate words as an excuse. It makes you no different from saying Jesus is a false name and taping that up with anything of the occult when the reality is the names Jehovah/Yahweh and Jesus/Yeshua is taken apart and merged with other broken up names - This is way some Israelis take issue with Western Christian who, as they say, butcher not just the truth at times, but God's name and Jesus' name.

Just to save myself the sanity of explaining such for the 100th time to anyone who says this kind of things I will post 2 videos.

And no, God's name has nothing to do with the occult because massive amount of evident proves that God's name, part of it, was taken and used to merge with and or mix with names of false gods, an example would be the name Jaobluen, for JAO is taken directly from the name Jehovah/Yahweh, merging that name with false god names such as Attis, Orisis and several others, a common practice done by occultism groups around the world, especially among those of Freemasonry.



As for the vowels, I can get in to that way in depth if you'd like. For I have a great deal of information on this.

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@Space Merchant So make me wise oh informed one. How does one get Jehovah From YHWH ? which of course would have HWHY as it was written from right to left. 

Even Yehovah replaces the W with a V. 

I've often thought that the JW Org took the name Jehovah conveniently as it was already a known name. But if the name Jehovah came from false religion then I would have thought it would be wrong.  I've always let it pass because I thought it was better to have a name of some sort rather than just God or Lord. And to be honest i think there are more important issues. 

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7 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

 So make me wise oh informed one. How does one get Jehovah From YHWH ? which of course would have HWHY as it was written from right to left

Even Yehovah replaces the W with a V.

You can't be serious? o.O

First of all, do not think for a second that YHWH/YHVH can be spell HWHY, it is a Hebraic Violation and a hermeneutical Violation right there. ????? (from right to left) is YHWH, there is a reason as to why I responded with that video on my previous comment from the words of an experienced Hebrew Professor.

YHWH is roughly translated to and or transliterated to the following: Yahuwah, Yahweh, Yahovah, Jehovah, Jahweh, Jehovah-jireh, Yahweh Yireh, Yah, Jah, etc.

One would need to know their Bible an the verses, especially the Tanakh (Hebrew Old Testament). Jehovah God almost certainly refers to ??????? ????????? (YHWH elohim). It is combination of the proper name of God (YHWH, known as the Tetragramaton; rendered in English as Yahweh or Jehovah, but the vocalization is uncertain. The convention followed by most translations is to render the hyphenated YHWH elohim as LORD God (all caps), at times used as The Lord (L is cap'd) in some places, usually in the Greek New Testament.

The Lord is usually a translation of ??????? "Adonai. It is a special plural form of adon, which means lord or master, used only in reference to God. The reason that it is plural is because the Hebrew word for God is grammatically plural and Adonai was often substituted for YHWH and/or elohim out of respect for the divine name (look at the bible project video above). Eventually Hebrews stopped pronouning the divine name out loud at all, an example would be when they stopped using God's name and used Adonai for Shema Yisrael (The Shema Israel) based prayer - today they still use Adonai, others today use Yahweh and or Jehovah, the Muslims have a similar Shema Yisrael prayer found in the Qu'ran and in place of Adonai they use Allah. The convention followed by most English translations is to render Adonai as The Lord (with only the letter "L" capitalized).

So, the difference between Jehovah God and The Lord is a lot like the difference between saying  Barack Obama (name) and The President (title). Both are frequently used in the Hebrew Old Testament, among dozens of other names and titles, to describe (the only) God of the Hebrews - The God of Israel (elohim Yisrael).

The English word for YHWH is Yahweh or Jehovah. Because the Israelite stopped saying the name aloud before the 3rd century BC and vocalization (vowels) were not added to the written text until the first millennium AD (finalized in the 9th century), again, the correct vocalization is uncertain. The Masoretic (9th century) vowel points suggest Y?h?'w?h, but the word is variously also pronouned yä?w?*, -w?; Yah·veh (-v?, -v?); Jah·veh (yä?v?, -v?); Jah·weh (yä?w?, -w?). YHWH with or without conjunction with the various titles for God occurs more than 6000 times in the Hebrew Bible. Bibles like the KJV has replaced God's name, found on the Tetragramaton, with LORD about 6,519 times, an example would be Deuteronomy 4:2 as well as 6:4 (Shema Yisrael)

KJV (removing the name) -  4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.

6:4 - Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:

When we can see in Hebrew the correct use of God's name:

4:2 -  ??? ???????, ???-???????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ???????, ????? ?????????, ?????????--????????, ???-??????? ?????? ??????????, ?????? ???????, ???????? ???????.

The Shema

6:4 -  ??????, ??????????: ?????? ??????????, ?????? ?????.



Yahweh is occasionally shortened to Jah or Yah (Hebrew: ???? Yahu). The short form of the name occurs 50 times in the Hebrew Bible, of which 24 form part of the phrase Hallelu-jah. Adonai occurs about 450 times.

The Hebrew equivalent of the English letter "J" is pronounced as a "Y" in Hebrew, so that the name Jacob, for example, is pronounced Y??-k?b in Hebrew.

That being said, if you got a problem with YHWH, then you got a problem with the name Jesus and an army of other names containing letters such as Y, I, J and several others.

Bare in mind also, these translations of these names, especially God's name, are Transliterations.

7 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

I've often thought that the JW Org took the name Jehovah conveniently as it was already a known name. But if the name Jehovah came from false religion then I would have thought it would be wrong.  I've always let it pass because I thought it was better to have a name of some sort rather than just God or Lord. And to be honest i think there are more important issues. 

Well you thought wrong, and thinking as such just further proves that you really need to not only learn the history of scripture, but of Christianity itself, the name for YHWH be it Yahweh and or Jehovah, has been used by a majority of others, even today, the same way that Yeshua/Yehoshua is used for Jesus.

The name of God and of the Son did not come from any religion be it false or true - so you have clearly been either hiding under a rock, not really diving deep into scripture history, or just one of those guys out there that do not like using either Yahweh and Jehovah and will simply stick to LORD, Adonai (meaning The Lord) or else. Just bare in mind, God understands what language you speak and knows of whom calls upon him, the fact that people fight over a name is absurd when clearly an Almighty God knows of when any of his children calls for him through his Son - for God the Father, YHWH/Jehovah/Yahweh understands all.

Psalm 139:4

Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, you know it altogether.  (see Hebrews 4:12)

That being said, if there is more important issues, why bring this up something that is technically elementary based theology? God and or Lord is but a title

As for the Shema, I have already posted it in English and Hebrew, this is how it appears in the Qu'ran for Muslims:

Sura 112 (Al-Tawhid or Monotheism) - Arabic: ???? ???? ??????? ??????? - Qul Huwa 'Ll?hu ?A?ad ("Say, He is Allah the One")

In Hebrew:  ?????? ?????????? ???? ?????????? ???? ?????? - Sh'ma Yisra'el YHVH Eloheinu YHVH E?ad

You can see the similarities, since the Shema Yisrael (found in the Torah/Deuteronomy) and the Tawhid are basically identical.

In the end, The Shema is very important to the Jews at the time, it was also important to Jesus, and it is important to majority of us today, for we believe in a God that is one and true, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, this one who is Almighty of whom we thank and who saves, is called YHWH (Yahweh/Jehovah).

As for the Shema, I posted this information in full before, you can also look this up online if you must: 


I suggest you take a good look at those videos I posted in this same thread. At least you get a better understanding.

Also the name does not have anything to do with the occult (they are known for taking any kind of name and making a false one however and soon these persons will get the price paid in full), anyone who thinks otherwise is nothing more than foolish person who probably can't tell the difference between a sandal or a sneaker - thus remaining ignorant of what is obvious and true. Take a look at the post Librarian posted, if that does not feed your appetite, hard facts will just have to be thrown.

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@Space Merchant I think you totally misjudge me.

When i said it was HWHY I simply meant that Hebrew writing was written from the right side toward the left, and would have been read from right to left, which is the opposite way to how we read and write. 

As for the tetragramaton yes of course i know of it. YHWH. What i was saying is the closest word surely is Yahweh.


I found this link interesting. 

I'm a basic working class man, and my thinking is as a such. I don't think God or Jesus are looking for the highly educated ones, but they are looking for the 'pure of heart'. Hence my study of God's word has been for the message within it. That is one reason i accepted the name Jehovah as being ok. 

But for my part, my name is JOHN. I would not want to be called YOHAN or any other.

And i agree with you on the name Jesus. If it was Yeshua then it should still be such. And if God's name was Yahweh, then it should still be such.  

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

the name for YHWH be it Yahweh and or Jehovah, has been used by a majority of others, even today, the same way that Yeshua/Yehoshua is used for Jesus.

 With all your knowledge and high intelligence it has not helped me at all. I'm still no further forward on this.

As you've said 'be it Yahweh or Jehovah..'

I still do not know why the bible students chose Jehovah and not Yahweh. And of course I do not believe they were inspired to do so. I simply think it was convenient to use the name which was most popular. 

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2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

@Nana Fofana thank you for the link.  I read as far as page 10, then read the final page. The bits that i can understand make sense :) 

It is also best to take a look at those who study Hebrew also, I recommend Jeff A. Benner: http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/jeffbenner/

For it was of his work, brought me into learning Hebrew even further.

Lastly, you would be surprised that some people, a few, to this day do not consider Yahweh and or Jehovah as God's name despite both the names (because they do not like when someone is right), referring to God, is of the norm in today's day and age, just as Jesus and or Yeshua.

In the end, when you call for the Father, he listens.

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