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Has the Governing Body of Jehovah's WItnesses Put Themselves in the Place Of Jesus Christ as Mediator Between God and Men?


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1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

If only you could understand that the JW Org is run by fear not love. Just as the Pharisees did it back in the time of Jesus.  

Now that Tom has brought my attention to this, on further thought, it is a strange thing to say. Why would it help if I understood that the Org. is run by fear not love? I thought that it was MY perception of how it was run that mattered. If I feel loved and unafraid inside the Org. , then what's wrong with that?

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At last, I think you have put your finger on the problem. That Anna is nothing but a big chicken. ?

As far as I know every one of Jehovah's Witnesses does that. You are saying that indeed, and I am sorry you got that impression because the GB don't view themselves that way. So what gives you

You mean that your wife will not discuss these things with you? Whatever is wrong with that woman? I hope you dial this stuff down a few notches at home. You cannot be easy to live with. If you g

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"Has the Governing Body of Jehovah's WItnesses Put Themselves in the Place Of Jesus Christ as Mediator Between God and Men?"

The answer is NO.  Their blood cannot compensate for Adam's sin.   There are many men and women who give their life for others such as military, police, emergency workers and rescuers.    But none of their sacrificed lives can be laid on the alter before Jehovah to provide a ransom for mankind.   I do believe in the past there have been GB members that were full of themselves and became haughty but that's for Jehovah and Jesus to sort out.  Just as Moses, David and others who lead Israel were fallible so are the members of the GB.   To their benefit, they have helped unite 8+ million humans in serving Jehovah thru Christ's blood- today thats quite a feat!

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1 hour ago, SuziQ1513 said:

To their benefit,

I think you might mean to their "credit" (the GB). Otherwise it could sound like they benefit from uniting 8+ million. Some could take it the wrong way (especially on here) and think financially and mercenary way.  Unless by "their"  you mean to the benefit of the 8+ million. xD

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10 hours ago, Anna said:

It was 7 until not long ago, when Kenneth Cook joined this year. I was assuming your disenchantment with the GB is not recent, therefor my comment about your feelings of being controlled was in reference to the 7 members.

I never said the anointed had mental issues, nor you, but your reasoning has put you in a unhappy state of mind. That is what I meant.


I hate to tell you, but if it was announced that you are no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses, then you have been disfellowshipped. And by the way, the reasons for disfellowshipping are never disclosed.

A. It's been 8 men from Jan or Feb of this year. 

B. It's the Governing body that have said some of the anointed have mental issues. You said I had issues and 'not a good place to be mentally'. Almost alluding to the same thing. 

C. You don't seem to know the 'rules' very well. There is a difference between being disfellowshipped, and a person disassociating themselves. Basically 'you cannot fire someone that has already quit'. And a person has to have repeatedly done something against Jehovah for them to disfellowship. I had done nothing that serious so they had no reason. I will say that if i had done enough for them to disfellowship me, I know they would have jumped at the chance. But by your very comment you prove my point. They try to make it look as if i had sinned greatly... You may say that i have sinned, but if so, only against the JW Org, not against Jehovah in a serious way. 

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9 hours ago, Anna said:

Now that Tom has brought my attention to this, on further thought, it is a strange thing to say. Why would it help if I understood that the Org. is run by fear not love? I thought that it was MY perception of how it was run that mattered. If I feel loved and unafraid inside the Org. , then what's wrong with that?

Um, you seem to have hit another important point here. You are talking about how YOU feel about the way YOU are treated. 

Try opening out, try thinking about others. Try seeing the bigger picture. The idea is that the JW Org as a whole 'has love amongst itself'. 

What I'm trying to make you and others aware of is that the JW Org does not have complete love amongst the whole association of brothers and sisters. I know I will get told to 'change the record' but the Child Abuse issues and the shunning issues prove the point I'm making. It was fear of being disfellowshipped that stopped people reporting the crimes of Child Abuse within the Org. Because disfellowshipment meant a complete cutting off from family and 'friends'. A complete loneliness... If you can understand what that does to a person then you might just have an ounce of compassion and love for those ones. 

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6 hours ago, SuziQ1513 said:

"Has the Governing Body of Jehovah's WItnesses Put Themselves in the Place Of Jesus Christ as Mediator Between God and Men?"

The answer is NO.  Their blood cannot compensate for Adam's sin.   There are many men and women who give their life for others such as military, police, emergency workers and rescuers.    But none of their sacrificed lives can be laid on the alter before Jehovah to provide a ransom for mankind.   I do believe in the past there have been GB members that were full of themselves and became haughty but that's for Jehovah and Jesus to sort out.  Just as Moses, David and others who lead Israel were fallible so are the members of the GB.   To their benefit, they have helped unite 8+ million humans in serving Jehovah thru Christ's blood- today thats quite a feat!

The GB have tried to put themselves in the place of Jesus Christ. We know of course that they cannot come close to doing so. But by spreading fear they rule over others.  And you are probably right when you say  'To their benefit...'  It would look as if they love the praise and position of power. Moses and David were aware of their mistakes and repented. The GB are stubborn and will not change their ways and of course will be judged by it. If they are of the anointed then they have no excuse for their behavior toward Jehovah and the congregants. It really does make them look like the 'wicked slave' mentioned in the scriptures. 

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9 hours ago, Anna said:

Hey! You leave me out of this! xD

It's not just Anna, it's most of the JW congregants. They are frightened to question anything. 

I can't remember who it was mentioned in the Bible but it says of them 'they carefully examined the scriptures to see if these things were true' or something like that. But the JW folks seem to just accept anything the GB and Elders tell them. Well if a person doesn't question or at least look for scriptural backing then that person is putting their trust 'in earthling man in whom no salvation belongs'. 

Honestly, having been in different congregations in different parts of the country, I've seen the fear in congregants, not willing to question even the elders. Yes the ordinary congregants, most of them, are quite loving toward each other, but they are in fear of the elders. 

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@Srecko Sostar Since we do not have "Threaded replies" capability on this forum, I would ask each member that if they want to go down a seperate fork / line of reasoning to start a new thread where such can be discussed.

Sorry for this but it is necessary unless you all want to soon start talking about fungal infections on this thread.

:D . Here is the fork I split off for you to discuss it:

p.s. - other members can assist by responding @Gone Away to such rabbit holes by starting a new topic referencing the one in which the new topic arose.

p.s.s. - In order to make it easier on all of us... instead of posting endless links to bible quotes on biblehub etc.. please post the scripture in its entirety. @JOHN BUTLER :D

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22 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

It appears that the Elders also try to tell the marriage mates of those that leave the Org' not to discuss scriptural things with the one who has left. So where do the elders get this instruction from ? 

hahaha, i am proof for this. I left JWorg and wife is in silence about almost all in cong. Just this morning she and one other sister (have no clue who she is, name, nothing) went to Zadar (town on Adriatic coast), for preaching in distance field service, some 290 km from Zagreb.  

So i have one week of freedom :)))))))))))) and cooking for myself, cleaning, watering plants, doing home works, painting, gardening and many other things .......  ahahahaahaa family ties continue :))))))) 

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3 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

hahaha, i am proof for this. I left JWorg and wife is in silence about almost all in cong. Just this morning she and one other sister (have no clue who she is, name, nothing) went to Zadar (town on Adriatic coast), for preaching in distance field service, some 290 km from Zagreb.  

So i have one week of freedom :)))))))))))) and cooking for myself, cleaning, watering plants, doing home works, painting, gardening and many other things .......  ahahahaahaa family ties continue :))))))) 

The GB and the elders have no right in doing this to you. They are putting a strain on your marriage.  Maybe you can ask her what scriptures the elders use when they tell her not to talk to you about such things. 

My wife is not baptised so she does not feel the pressure so much but still the elders try to cause a division in my household. 

Maybe you should have a lazy week and when your wife returns just say that as she was not home to work why should you do all of it :) 


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