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Which nations disappear in Armageddon?

Israeli Bar Avaddhon

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Chapters 19 and 20 of Revelation will unveil some significant details about the war of Armageddon and what will happen next. These details will include two major changes to the current understandi

If I had to make a wild guess, I would say that you are 35 or younger and that you have pioneered at one time. You are obviously heady and have become impatient with those who are not. You are gifted

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14 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

I will take these advice to heart but I will continue to talk about the things I have understood because this is true respect for the Word of God.



On ‎1‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 5:26 PM, DeeDee said:

P.S. Satan is EXTREMELY SNEAKY and MEAN!!! He uses things that are good and “Light” as snares!


Dear Israeli,

You remind me of me when I was young…

My deep desire to learn the truth made me fall dangerously into one of Satan’s snares.

He used my desire to learn the truth to take me away from God, before I ever got to know Jehovah.

Thank God Jehovah gathered me back into his arms.

You have great love for “the WORD” of God.

But remember what Jesus said:


     “‘You MUST LOVE JEHOVAH your God

            with your whole heart and with your whole soul

            and with your WHOLE MIND.’

     This is the GREATEST and FIRST commandment. (Matt. 22:37, 38)


Trust in Jehovah and do what is good…

     Find exquisite delight IN JEHOVAH,

And he will grant you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:3, 4)


Trust in Jehovah with all your heart,

     And do not rely on your own understanding.

In all your ways take notice of him,

     And he will make your paths straight.

 Do not become wise in your own eyes… (Prov. 3:5-7)


Please…NEVER underestimate just how sneaky and cunning Satan is…

He truly is “like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone.” (1 Pet. 5:8)

…especially someone who love’s Jehovah and the truth as much as you do.


17 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

You did not respond to any inquiries about your ministry.

Here is a thought…

Think of how happy Jehovah will be if you devote some of you study time to focusing on how you can bring the truth about Jehovah to another honest-hearted person who does not yet know Jehovah. If someone had not done that for me, I would never have gotten to know Jehovah and would be among those who will be destroyed!

Maybe helping to save someone's life would bring you even greater joy!!!

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Dear DeeDee,
I thank you, of course, for your concern and your advice.
Meanwhile, I want to tell you that I'm not a young man.
I am not less than 35 years old.
I have been baptized for 27 years (so, as you can imagine, I did not get baptized at age 8).
I did not want to answer the question "if I was under 35" because this question distracts from the content of the articles.
I want the attention to be placed on the contents and on the Scriptures of the articles and not on the person who writes.

If all the talk is put on "You are young, you are inexperienced", then you lose the importance of the topic.

However, that I have 20 years or 50 or 99 concepts do not change.

My words do not become "right" or more "wrong" according to my age.
The only thing we need to understand is whether they are in harmony with the Bible or not.
The Bible was written for young people and also for older people.

You have made a correct quotation: we must love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
But I would like to ask you a question: where do we learn about the personality of God?
Through what we learn to know God better?
Through what do we learn about God's way of thinking and acting?

We learn all this through the Bible, it's true?
I want to ask you another question.
Can we honestly say that we love God if we do not love His Word?

Is not this concept the same reproach we make to the people of the world?
In field service we often meet devoted people who say they love God.
It's not true?
What objection do we make to these people?
"Whoever loves God, strives to know him better".
Or "He who loves God manages to overcome his own traditions and convictions if they are not in harmony with the Word of God".

We must also make an honest critique and ask ourselves if we ourselves, ourselves, have not become the victim of a tradition or of prejudice - compare Romans 2:21, 22; 2 Corinthians 13: 5

Finally the scriptures you mentioned I could mention them too, is not it?
I have full confidence in Jehovah.
If I relied on my intelligence, then I would not consult the Bible.

If I relied on my intelligence I would not look for answers in the Bible, do you think?
I would simply do what I want, without doing research in the Bible, without meditating, without praying.
Does it seem to you that what I have written up to now has not referred to the Bible?
Of course I can be wrong, like all human beings.

However, I invite you to reflect that you have not read the article I posted to you (the one titled "Death really cancels sin").
Or maybe you read it but you did not mention a single writing, just one application. You have not contested any part of the article in merit.

I would have been happy that you had answered the question: "When Paul says that we are dead with Christ, does he mean it literally? Or when he says that "we were buried with Christ "does he mean it literally?"

Or I would have liked you to have answered the question: "Is it the death that erases the sins or the sacrifice of Christ?"

Do you know why this happened?
is it possible (only possible) that you focused on the fact that I was "under 35" and so I needed advice?

Obviously even a 90-year-old can need advice. We are all imperfect and limited.

However the only really important thing is that every "thesis" is supported by the Scriptures.

If what I wrote is wrong, the right thing to do would help each other to understand what the Word of God really teaches.
I am ready to review and retract everything.
Are you really willing to do it anyway?

Or the fear of discovering that something that has been taught to us is wrong prevents us from getting closer to the Word of God (and therefore to God)?
is it possible (only possible) that we love our tranquility more?
Yet we should be happy if Jehovah, in his undeserved kindness, will allow us to understand more.

Even though I'm over 35, I do not scold anyone.
I invite only to reflect on the example of the Israelites of the past.
As you know, at a certain point, they stopped ascertaining the will of God.
They had the temple, the priests. They were unquestionably the People of God.
Was this sufficient to avoid discipline?

"Be sure of everything" is not bad advice, is not it?

"Keep on trying if you are in the faith and what you yourselves are".

Those who love God with all their heart, mind and strength, seek Him in His Word and are not afraid to clash with the judgment of the majority.
And those who want to live in holy devotion will also be persecuted.
I wish you with all my heart that you can have the humility to question yourself regardless of who tells you it is 20 or 99 years old.
Regardless of who tells you it is "an overseer" or the smallest and most insignificant among the brothers - Matthew 11:25, 26



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4 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

Meanwhile, I want to tell you that I'm not a young man.
I am not less than 35 years old.

Alright alright, already!

Let it be as when the brother on the platform asks for some young hands and the kids in the audience do nothing but sit on theirs.

He finally turns to some old-timer and says: "Well, let's call on someone young at heart. Brother Buzzard, please?"

Pity. I wanted you to be young.


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This website did not submit my reply. It somehow signed me out while I was typing it in. This is the second time that this website has done this, but I don't know who to advise.

So this is a copy of my reply:

Hi Israeli,


5 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

However, I invite you to reflect that you have not read the article I posted to you (the one titled "Death really cancels sin").


Note: I have not had the time (and I doubt that I WILL have the time) to read your ENTIRE article, so I could not make any comments. My free time is limited. I happen to have some time this morning so I am replying fully to you now. Normally, I do not have the time to reply fully this way.


8 hours ago, DeeDee said:

You remind me of me when I was young…


I did not say that YOU are “young” or “inexperienced.” By the things you have written, you obviously have been delving into God’s Word for years.


8 hours ago, DeeDee said:

My deep desire to learn the truth made me fall dangerously into one of Satan’s snares.

He used my desire to learn the truth to take me away from God, before I ever got to know Jehovah.



I was only stating that when “I” was young, Satan managed to misuse that sincere desire to know the truth. He used it as a snare that nearly cost “ME” everlasting life.


5 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

But I would like to ask you a question: where do we learn about the personality of God?
Through what we learn to know God better?
Through what do we learn about God's way of thinking and acting?

We learn all this through the Bible, it's true?


 Yes, through God’s Word – the Bible.


5 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

Can we honestly say that we love God if we do not love His Word?


Obviously, No…but we must be sure that we do not make the Bible an “idol” or love it more than loving Jehovah and wanting to please Jehovah by doing his will.


5 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

We must also make an honest critique and ask ourselves if we ourselves, ourselves, have not become the victim of a tradition or of prejudice


 We must also ask ourselves if we are DOING Jehovah’s will or Satan’s will.


5 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

If I relied on my intelligence, then I would not consult the Bible.


 True…Yes, you deeply search God’s Word.


5 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

I have full confidence in Jehovah.


I am sure that you do…

But, do you have “full TRUST in Jehovah?”

Do you not TRUST that if Jehovah wants us to know a truth, that he WILL make that truth known to all of us?


5 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

I would have been happy that you had answered the question: "When Paul says that we are dead with Christ, does he mean it literally? Or when he says that "we were buried with Christ "does he mean it literally?"


Obviously, not literally.


5 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

Or I would have liked you to have answered the question: "Is it the death that erases the sins or the sacrifice of Christ?"


Obviously, the sacrifice of Christ.


5 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

Do you know why this happened?


Obviously, because of Jehovah’s great love for us.


5 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

is it possible (only possible) that you focused on the fact that I was "under 35" and so I needed advice?


 No, because I do not know HOW OLD you are. I just know from my own personal experiences (MANY) just how devious and sneaky Satan is. And how he delights in stealing away very faithful followers of Jehovah of any age, especially young people. Since you are obviously a faithful follower, I was only warning you how dangerous Satan is. He is incredibly tricky!


5 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

Are you really willing to do it anyway?

Or the fear of discovering that something that has been taught to us is wrong prevents us from getting closer to the Word of God (and therefore to God)?


My LACK of “fear of discovering that something that has been taught to us is wrong” is how I became easy prey to Satan. Yes, I am willing to learn the truth, but I also TRUST that Jehovah WILL provide any information that we truly need to do

his will, so I devote time to teaching others what they need to know to come to the truth. (see my post of December 1, 2017 https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/topic/50543-can-anyone-explain-this-to-me-the-rest-of-the-dead-did-not-come-to-life-until-the-1000-years-were-ended/)


5 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

is it possible (only possible) that we love our tranquility more?


Sadly, having been tricked by Satan brought NO tranquility whatsoever! Yes, we should keep attentive to Jehovah’s word.


Now that I have answered your questions,


Should we spend more time on “STUDYING” his Word than we do “EXERCISING” our faith and “DOING” the will of Jehovah?


“However, become DOERS of the word and not hearers only,

deceiving yourselves with false reasoning…

the one who peers into the perfect law …and continues in it

has become, not a forgetful hearer, but a DOER of the work;

and he will be happy in what he does.” (James 1:22-25)


FULL Scripture for Reference  (James 1:22-25):

22 However, become doers of the word and not hearers only,

deceiving yourselves with false reasoning.

23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer,

this one is like a man looking at his own face in a mirror.

24 For he looks at himself, and he goes away

and immediately forgets what sort of person he is.

25 But the one who peers into the perfect law

that belongs to freedom and continues in it

has become, not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work;

and he will be happy in what he does.


I am "happy" to spend much of my time preaching “so that I might by all possible means save some.” (1 Cor. 9:22)

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Thank you.
I believe that at this point we have reached a turning point in our conversations.
Probably this will be my last speech on this topic.
I'm sorry I believed you thought I was under 35.
It does not really matter. As I wrote, only the arguments matter.

I do not understand how it is possible to "make the Bible an idol".
You can make the Bible an idol only if you adore the image; if you make a "light", you kiss it and similar things.
How is it possible to make the Bible an idol simply by studying it carefully?

"loving Jehovah and wanting to please Jehovah by doing his will": and how is it possible to please Jehovah and do his will if you do not study His Word carefully?
David said "How I love your law! All day is my concern!" - Psalm 119: 97

"Happy is the man who does not walk according to the advice of the wicked And does not stand on the path of sinners+And does not sit in the seat of scoffers.+   But his delight is in the law of Jehovah,+And he reads His law in an undertone* day and night.+   He will be like a tree planted by streams of water,A tree that produces fruit in its season,The foliage of which does not wither. And everything he does will succeed" - Psalm 1:1-3

Try to look for all those servants of God who have expressed similar thoughts.

I should deduce from your reasoning that all these people made the Bible an idol.

" We must also ask ourselves if we are DOING Jehovah’s will or Satan’s will".

Well, only by studying the Bible carefully can we make sure that we are striving (at least, striving) to do God's will - Matthew 4: 5-7

Or do you believe that there is a better and higher degree of authority that can tell you if you are doing the will of God or that of Satan?

If you are convinced that I am doing the will of Satan (if the example you did not do it by chance) then there is only one way to prove it.
Through the Bible (oh sorry ... I'm just an idolater!) - 2 Timothy 3:16, 17

"Do you not TRUST that if Jehovah wants to know a truth, that he WILL make that truth known to all of us?"
Oh, I have total trust in Jehovah. He will fulfill His will without doubt.

I also believe that He does not oblige anyone to study the Bible thoroughly.
I also believe that He can also use the last of us; even the most insignificant person.
Furthermore, I also believe that everything we need is written in the Bible.

The will of God will be fulfilled with us or without us.
We may have the privilege of understanding it, studying the Bible, or not understanding it (deciding not to study it).
Since "God is not partial" I believe that he gives you the opportunity to ascertain all things but will not oblige you to do so.

So yes, I want to reassure you in this respect.
Both have the same trust: Jehovah will make His Will known.
Unfortunately for those who have not really studied the Bible, this discovery could be painful.
Even if Jehovah does not need anyone to fulfill His purposes, those who study the Bible understand that they have a serious responsibility.
Talk to your brothers, first of all.

I do not even consider myself one prophet.
I am noone - Galatians 6: 3; Romans 3:23
But I imagine that the nation of Israel will have told Ezekiel: "Why are you bothering us? Do you not trust that Jehovah can make His Will understand without you? Do you have faith in Jehovah?"
Do you know what we can do?
An incorrigible idolater tells you this: to study the Bible and evaluate whether these topics are worthy of attention or are "Satan's will".


Should we spend more time on “STUDYING” his Word than we do “EXERCISING” our faith and “DOING” the will of Jehovah?"

Well, thank you for the question.
Are you already sure that I am not doing God's will?
Are you already convinced that I do not go into service (for example) or that I do not work on my faults?
I want to answer you with a question.
How can we become "doing the will of God" if we do not study the Word carefully?

Do you know what the near future holds?
Of course, you will say "I know it" because he told you "the faithful and discreet slave".
I tell you, as "the idolater of the Bible", that it says there will be a war between the king of the north and the king of the south (yes, in the near future).

I also tell you that proscription in Russia is a clear and specific biblical prophecy that was to be fulfilled and is not the usual "hate problem on the part of nations".
The war that will break out (yes, the third world war) will end with the victory of the king of the north (NOT the king of the south).
Because of this victory, the proscription of the preaching work will spread throughout the world.

But a member of the governing body said, "They did not stop the Nazi concentration camps and they did not stop the communist labor camps, they will not be able to stop the work of Jehovah."
So we can be calm, right?

Instead the Bible says the exact opposite.
The king of the north will block the preaching work and "win" at least for a while.
This can be true or it can be false.
You know something, then?
The Bible says to "try inspired expressions" and then we wait and see - 1 John 4: 1

When you see these things happening, perhaps you will remember that presumptuous one who was idolising the Bible.

Surely you will reflect on these conversations.
Jehovah will make you know His will (for the next discipline that will fall on the People of God will be by His will) and then you will be right.
Jehovah will make known to all of us His will.

But perhaps it was better to understand the will of God first.
Perhaps it was better to understand God's will when we had the right time - Joel 1: 1-8
I have nothing more to add to this discussion.
As long as it is possible I will continue to post my articles based on the Bible.
Who will want to read them, will have the opportunity to read them.
Who will not want ... well each one decides for himself.

Meanwhile, I'll tell you what will happen soon.
The preaching work will be prohibited in all countries of the ex Soviet Union (stay to watch).
The king of the north will launch an attack on Israel (first they will only be strong denunciations and after military attack).
This will lead to war between the king of the north and the king of the south.
Obviously the brothers will say that "the great tribulation has begun" (exactly as it happened in the first and then in the second world war).
As the king of the north wins victories, the work of Jehovah's Witnesses will be banned in other nations.

If you had studied the Bible, instead of parroting "Let's just wait for the scream of peace and security and then attack the false religion" you would know what is about to happen.
Good awakening to everyone - Isaiah 28:21, 22



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5 hours ago, DeeDee said:

5 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

Can we honestly say that we love God if we do not love His Word?


Obviously, No…but we must be sure that we do not make the Bible an “idol” or love it more than loving Jehovah and wanting to please Jehovah by doing his will.

I agree with a lot of your sentiments, but I find this statement of yours really strange. I believe you may not have meant to write it this way.  We only find out about Jehovah through the Bible (and creation). We can make idols out of what he has created, but to make an idol out of his inspired word? How would that be possible? Without his word we wouldn't even know his will would we? We love Jehovah by loving his word surely. There are many scriptures that show approval of people loving his laws.  Can we say we love his laws more than we love him? Wouldn't you say the two are intrinsically tied together.

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28 minutes ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

Meanwhile, I'll tell you what will happen soon.
The preaching work will be prohibited in all countries of the ex Soviet Union (stay to watch).
The king of the north will launch an attack on Israel (first they will only be strong denunciations and after military attack).
This will lead to war between the king of the north and the king of the south.
Obviously the brothers will say that "the great tribulation has begun" (exactly as it happened in the first and then in the second world war).
As the king of the north wins victories, the work of Jehovah's Witnesses will be banned in other nations.

Well, that could be another alternative. But it doesn't make any difference to those who will keep on doing God's will no matter what.

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21 minutes ago, Anna said:
6 hours ago, DeeDee said:


Obviously, No…but we must be sure that we do not make the Bible an “idol” or love it more than loving Jehovah and wanting to please Jehovah by doing his will.

I agree with a lot of your sentiments, but I find this statement of yours really strange.

If we are not careful, our deep love for knowledge and the truth can become more important to us than our love for Jehovah and doing his will. Instead of using that zeal to do his will, we can misplace that zeal...Whatever item we have misplaced zeal for, becomes the "idol." And, as I described in an earlier post, Satan is VERY sneaky and can use a GOOD thing (God's WORD, for example) as a snare to distract us from doing Jehovah's will. Obviously, we must love, study and meditate on Jehovah's word to grow closer to him. I was only cautioning that Satan is VERY sneaky...We have to make sure that our love and zeal does not get misplaced.

I am speaking from a personal experience from BEFORE I learned the truth...

Satan had used my love for God and zeal for the truth and turned that zeal into an "idol" to mislead me AWAY from the TRUE God...

I was only expressing the need for ALL of us who love Jehovah to be cautious of Satan's distractions and of being distracted AWAY from Jehovah and DOING his will.

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1 hour ago, DeeDee said:

If we are not careful, our deep love for knowledge and the truth can become more important to us than our love for Jehovah and doing his will

I think what you mean is that we should not allow head knowledge to override our emotional attachment to Jehovah?

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1 hour ago, DeeDee said:

We have to make sure that our love and zeal does not get misplaced.

It's funny, but our love and zeal can get misplaced without accurate knowledge! As you know, there are many persons of other religions who have love and zeal but not according to what we say is accurate knowledge.

1 hour ago, DeeDee said:

Satan had used my love for God and zeal for the truth and turned that zeal into an "idol" to mislead me AWAY from the TRUE God...

If you don't mind me asking, how?

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