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Are our expectations are in harmony with God's Word?

Israeli Bar Avaddhon

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We are now very close to the great tribulation!
A brother of the betel was concluding his speech when he made the following comment: Be intensely busy with the word of God," I would like listening very carefully. We who are in Betel we are privileged to work with the faithful and discreet slave and with the body of directors and I wish know you how he feels the body of directors about the time we live now in this system of things.
The faithful slave feels that it is already happened to the Matthew 24:14 prophecy: "quest for good news the kingdom's be preached in all the inhabited earth."
What does the party
later this word?
He says that ... then the end will come.
He knew
you that there are only three countries in the world where there are no Jehovah's Witnesses?
ONLY 3 countries!
Somalia, North Korea and Afghanistan ...
This does not mean that
there does not reach the in our literature to but just that there are not Jehovah's Witnesses. I had mentioned earlier to some friends and they wanted to know why there are no Jehovah's Witnesses in these countries.
I 'll tell you the reason.
Jehovah does not send his people to any place where he knows that van there!
* (See footnote)
But in these three countries the good news have already been published (I guess it refers to the fact that literature is still available).
Matthew 14, Luke 21, Mark 13, as well as Revelation 6: these words are ending (?)
So what is the biblical prophecy that still has to fulfill?
You know what?
The read for you.
Revelation 17: 15-17 - (read the prophecy)
The faithful slave is waiting for the day Jehovah will put this thought into their hearts.
This is the next prophecy that must be fulfilled.
For those who know what it means, this will cause the great tribulation.
this is fulfilled , the door will be closed (in a spiritual sense).
Whatever thing you did, you can not go back.
"I could have done this or that if I had more time."
Now is the time!
How will you spend the time you stay?
For what are you working or are you committed ?
in higher education?
you are struggling to get more money and material goods?
you are engaged in the distractions of the world?
are you undertake to favor the kingdom.?
We do things urgently, we try to be quick!
(Story running on facebook between of various witnesses of Jehovah accounts)

I want to point out that the aforementioned text is the translation of the translation of a translation and then of specific phrases may have been distorted sense.
Apart from that, however, the general sense of the discourse is clear.
Assuming that they are not the ravings of some overzealous brother (which still brings out what they believe, more or less openly, many Jehovah's Witnesses), the meaning is as follows.
The prophecies have almost all been fulfilled.


The preaching was completed.


We are just waiting for the fall of Babylon the Great.


Our expectations are really in harmony with God's Word?
That's it?
Some brother more in later years and with a good memory will recall that statements like these (views from different angles) have already been made in the past.
Without wishing to be too argumentative, beyond the past mistakes, it is clear that sooner or later you have to get to the point where it will begin the great tribulation, will fall Babylon the Great, and you will enter the Millennial Kingdom.
The fact we were wrong in the past, more than once, this in itself does not prove that you're wrong again.
Could it really be so and definitely not wrong to keep alive the sense of urgency - compare Matthew 24:42; Revelation 16:15
Beyond, however, the "hint" that each of us can have, the only thing we should do is search the scriptures to try to understand "what extent we are old" in reference to biblical prophecy.
It is true: if we take the writing of Matthew 24:14 and we make an analysis of the presence of our brothers in the world, probably we would come to the same conclusion of the aforesaid brother in the introduction of this article (always assuming that the report is credible).
The question, however, end here?
Being such an important subject, it would be no need to also examine other scriptures to see if you dial a credible framework or if "something is not right"?
Moreover, as the same "slave" has admitted, they are not inspired and therefore we would like to build on something more than a simple "I want you to know how you feel the governing body about the time we live in."
The Bible is not "imperfect spiritual food", does not lend itself to corrections or rewards, does not change with time and definitely do not mind - John 17:17; Romans 3: 4; James 1:17; Titus 1: 2
Obviously you are not suggesting that the interpretations of this blog are infallible; far from it.
You simply want to emphasize that the Bible is always to have the last word and so we must look for answers there, not in our desires or people that we value - Matthew 4: 4
Some do not even accept the possibility that even those who are taking the lead can go wrong (as if they were human beings).
For some to question the statement "slave" is an indication of lack of respect and submission but this is a myopic view of the situation.
We know that many times the people of God fed wrong expectations about the future and about the will of God - compares Isaiah 28: 14-19
They were the people of God but this, in itself, did not guarantee the protection and the priests themselves, more often, showed a complete ignorance of the Scriptures - John 3:10
This also happened with good intentions and the best people - compares 1 Samuel 16: 7
Considering the biblical past, trying to see what the Bible says to beyond the proclamation and to everyone who comes , is not it the best? - 1 Thessalonians 5:21; Romans 15: 4; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17
The Lord Jesus Christ himself, the one who was the wisest of all men , and that he could speak of his own initiative, not perhaps did the same? - Matthew 4: 4-10
Questioning certain statements (not for bias, of course) is not a lack of respect towards the index "slave"; on the contrary, it shows profound respect for the one true authority of God's Word - Psalm 31: 5; Acts 17:11
Let us examine the claim that the prophecies would almost all be fulfilled, and we just have to wait the fall of Babylon the Great.
The officer says that understanding God's Kingdom was established in heaven in 1914, by 1918 the heavens were purified, in 1919 the heavenly resurrection began (as well as the purification of the people of God) and so on.
Perhaps there is some error in this generalization also because of the constant "adjustments" (adjustments that change the periods of a few months, ever the concepts) but roughly this is what you believe.

In this article you will see just how the logic and writing can corroborate or invalidate these ideas.
The official explanation identifies the slaughtered head of death Revelation 13: 3 as the Anglo-American empire.
It is true that the book that lists this explanation (the Revelation Its Grand Climax) has now been withdrawn but there is nothing new on the horizon that, until there is a different explanation, this is the ultimate understanding accepted.
As we saw this explanation is problematic because the Anglo-American empire, according to official explanations, is the "king of the South" described in the Bible book of Daniel.
However in Daniel is the king of the north to win the last war, and so it is obvious that something is not right - Daniel 11: 40-45
Of course we can not say that Daniel and Revelation contradict, does not it?
To focus with Daniel Revelation there are only two possibilities.
Or the Anglo-American empire is actually the king of the north ** (see note below) or head slaughtered to death that you see in Revelation can not be the Anglo-American empire.
Does not it seem logical reasoning?
How can the Anglo-American empire (and be the king of the south) if Daniele does understand that the last ruling king, or what will be defeated by Michele, is the king of the north?
In Revelation we do not see another political power that defeats the beast that ascends from the sea.
After the Great War (which can also have multiple stages), do not talk about other human wars in Revelation, right? - 1 Thessalonians 5: 3
The last war we are talking about and who participates in this beast is against the God Almighty - Revelation 16: 10-14, 16
The conclusion is logical.
Apart from the fact that the end will come when the preaching has reached "all the inhabited earth" before this you will see the clash between the king of the north and the king of the south.
And must win the king of the north, of course.
In the last World War he has probably won the king of the north as well as to assert that "we just have to wait over the fall of Babylon the Great"?
Absolutely no.
The last king of the north was the Third Reich and, during the battle against the king of the south (the Anglo-American empire, in fact) it came out defeated.
This is a prophecy that still has not been fulfilled and it is more than enough to establish that it is not enough that the preaching arrivals in these last three remaining countries.
Among other things, the writing of Matthew 24:14 does not give any basis for determining how long the good news has to take place in a given country in order to receive adequate testimony.
If tomorrow our brothers  they come in those nations and begin to preach ... how much time would pass until God considered adequate and sufficiently complete that testimony?
The answer is simple: we do not know .
However, although that has yet to burst the war between the king of the north and king of the south, it is conceivable that in the meantime there are other prophecies that have to be fulfilled or are being fulfilled, is not it?
As we have seen in several previous articles before the war should emerge a certain persecution of brothers (you have tribulation, but is not yet the great tribulation ) because the king of the north must start to suppress the daily sacrifice (the preaching work ) until you get to completely suppress it - see Daniel 8: 10-12, 24, 25
In our recent past, the preaching work was perhaps suppressed completely, which it did by means of the king of the north?
According to the prophecy, and this must be done only during the last years of the scheme of things it must have a last impulse - compares Revelation 10:11; 14: 6, 7
E 'at this point that the preaching work will reach the ends of the earth, and this will happen very quickly - Zechariah 4: 6
The total suppression of preaching did not happen even during the Second World War and certainly did not happen in all countries; Also this leaves well understand that it is a prophecy to come.
There is much more to say but the above should be sufficient, even for those who disagree with the explanations of this blog, to reflect that the Great, "you can not expect only the fall of" Babylon.
Who has respect for the Bible itself to be shaped by it.
Of course what has been said does not want to show that the end will come "who knows when."
In contrast, recent international events suggest that we are far ahead in the end time 
All the events described above will occur in a very short time so when we can really begin to come to "raise high head" - Luke 21:28
Those who have lifted up their heads in 1914 all died with a stiff neck but when these things begin to take place (such as the war between the king of the north and king of the south) we can do it peacefully because of this incident until the actual fall of Babylon the Great (which will not be the world empire of false religion ) will spend a maximum of ten years.
So us ensure that our expectations are in harmony with the Word of God not to be disappointed - Isaiah 28:16
Us ensure that our expectations are in harmony with the Word of God to be prepared for what's to come and not discouraged - 2 Peter 1:19; Proverbs 24:10
Us ensure that our expectations are in harmony with the Word of God, ultimately, for our lives - Matthew 7:24, 25
The Bible traces the path. It will not lead to disappointment.
* The translation was not very clear.
** From previous articles we saw that the Anglo-American empire is indeed the king of the south.
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We are now very close to the great tribulation! A brother of the betel was concluding his speech when he made the following comment: " Be intensely busy with the word of God," I would like list

It seems to me if you take twenty different believers, they will have 20 different expectations, depending on their intelligence, maturity, experiences and sharpness of perceptions. You cannot le

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It seems to me if you take twenty different believers, they will have 20 different expectations, depending on their intelligence, maturity, experiences and sharpness of perceptions.

You cannot legitimately castigate someone who is doing the best he or she can, with what they know to be true at any particular point in time.

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